1. Introduction to Object-oriented programming (OOP)00:02:11
2. string 100:06:54
3. string 200:07:32
4. method of string 100:09:01
5. methods of string 200:06:53
6. methods of string 300:06:14
7. Quiz string00:07:40
8. encapsulation00:05:44
9. struct00:08:21
10. struct part two00:06:55
11. struct part three00:09:16
12. struct as a array00:09:52
13. struct as a prameter00:08:38
14. Class100:06:01
15. class - access modifier00:04:53
16. Class - behaviour00:07:24
17. constructor00:08:26
18. Class 5 ( why constructor )00:05:14
19. Class 6 (constructor overloading )00:06:52
20. class diagram00:05:34
21. the body outside the class00:05:22
22. static member00:09:42
23. static function00:08:15
24. const member00:09:03
25. const function00:05:01
26. What And Why Composition ?00:06:25
27. Constructors in the composition00:06:45
28. composition in the running time00:10:07
29. composite relationship - Class diagram00:03:08
30. what is the pointer variable00:09:55
31. how we write the pointer variable00:04:13
32. pointer Array00:09:05
33. Example Pointer Array00:10:33
34. Inheritance 100:09:19
35. Inheritance 200:04:50
36. Type of inheritance00:07:01
37. friend function00:11:41
38. friend class00:03:58
39. Specify a class member function as a friend of another class00:06:55
40. Hiding Members00:05:49
41. Virtual and Override function00:08:08
42. This keyword within classes00:08:14
43. Abstract 100:10:02
44. Abstract 200:04:36
45. Abstract class - code00:07:42
46. What is the Template ?00:09:38
47. Multi Template00:04:55
48. Template Characteristics00:04:45
49. What is the Overload Operator00:09:32
50. Overload Operator Comparison between two objects00:09:36
51. Overload Operator Comparison between object and other simple datatype00:09:17
52. Overload Operator Logical Comparisons between objects00:07:19
53. Overload Operator iostram ( cin , cout )00:12:25
54. Struct Operator Overloading00:06:30
55. The end of the OOP course in C++ language00:00:52
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 55
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 7
- آخر تحديث: 24/01/2022
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