1. Introduction to data structures00:06:33
2. List as abstract data type00:13:08
3. Introduction to linked list00:17:13
4. Arrays vs Linked Lists00:12:16
5. Linked List - Implementation in C/C++00:13:58
6. Linked List in C/C++ - Inserting a node at beginning00:12:50
7. Linked List in C/C++ - Insert a node at nth position00:15:15
8. Linked List in C/C++ - Delete a node at nth position00:12:30
9. Reverse a linked list - Iterative method00:13:50
10. Print elements of a linked list in forward and reverse order using recursion00:14:24
11. Reverse a linked list using recursion00:08:55
12. Data structures: Introduction to Doubly Linked List00:07:13
13. Doubly Linked List - Implementation in C/C++00:15:21
14. Data structures: Introduction to stack00:08:26
15. Data structures: Array implementation of stacks00:13:09
16. Linked List implementation of stacks00:10:58
17. Reverse a string or linked list using stack.00:16:25
18. Check for balanced parentheses using stack00:14:13
19. Infix, Prefix and Postfix00:13:38
20. Evaluation of Prefix and Postfix expressions using stack00:14:10
21. Infix to Postfix using stack00:18:20
22. Data structures: Introduction to Queues00:09:19
23. Data structures: Array implementation of Queue00:14:59
24. Data structures: Linked List implementation of Queue00:14:17
25. Data structures: Introduction to Trees00:15:50
26. Data structures: Binary Tree00:16:17
27. Data structures: Binary Search Tree00:19:28
28. Binary search tree - Implementation in C/C++00:18:36
29. BST implementation - memory allocation in stack and heap00:13:05
30. Find min and max element in a binary search tree00:05:48
31. Find height of a binary tree00:07:09
32. Binary tree traversal - breadth-first and depth-first strategies00:11:54
33. Binary tree: Level Order Traversal00:11:23
34. Binary tree traversal: Preorder, Inorder, Postorder00:14:29
35. Check if a binary tree is binary search tree or not00:16:30
36. Delete a node from Binary Search Tree00:18:27
37. Inorder Successor in a binary search tree00:17:58
38. Data structures: Introduction to graphs00:16:43
39. Data structures: Properties of Graphs00:15:16
40. Graph Representation part 01 - Edge List00:13:45
41. Graph Representation part 02 - Adjacency Matrix00:14:45
42. Graph Representation part 03 - Adjacency List00:27:50
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 42
- اللغة: English
- عدد الطلاب: 7
- آخر تحديث: 25/01/2022
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