3. Definition00:04:39
4. Design of reinforced concrete eccentric long columns00:05:32
5. General Formulation00:04:54
6. (Long) Column Slenderness Ratio00:03:21
7. Ratio of moments at two column ends00:03:39
8. Interaction Diagram for Design of Columns00:05:26
9. Design of Long Columns Example00:04:37
10. Compute the k value for the braced compression members00:03:37
11. Compute the stiffness, EI00:02:09
12. Compute the coefficient, Cm00:01:55
13. Compute the design moment and As00:03:56
14. The Checks00:05:56
15. Compute the tension steel00:02:49
16. Design ties for the column00:03:04
17. Design Example00:05:47
18. Definition Introduction00:05:21
19. Stirrup Anchorage Requirements00:03:49
20. Design Procedure for Shear00:06:21
21. Location of Maximum Shear for Beam Design00:02:54
22. Examples00:02:33
23. Design of Beam B100:08:25
24. Details of RFT. for Beams B1 Using imperial method00:04:34
25. Design of Beam B200:12:16
26. Details of RFT. for Beams B2 Using imperial method00:05:56
27. Introduction00:07:58
28. Procedure for design of Portal frames00:02:45
29. Design Example00:03:20
30. Design of slab00:04:55
31. Preliminary design of beams and columns00:02:21
32. Analysis of Frame00:04:44
33. Design of Tsection00:03:02
34. Design of Rectangular beam00:03:46
35. Check for Shear00:03:06
36. Example00:06:57
37. Reinforcement Details00:04:28
38. Floor Slab System00:04:36
39. Comparison of Oneway and Twoway slab behavior00:08:36
40. Static Equilibrium of TwoWay Slabs00:03:02
41. General Design Concepts00:03:26
42. (Equivalent Frame Method (EFM00:03:23
43. Method of Analysis00:03:00
44. Minimum Slab Thickness for twoway construction00:04:43
45. Definition of BeamtoSlab Stiffness Ratio00:04:45
46. Shear Strength of Slabs00:09:48
47. Direct Design Method for Twoway Slab00:03:45
48. Basic Steps in Twoway Slab Design00:04:56
49. Minimum Slab Thickness for twoway construction00:04:26
50. Distribution of Moments00:03:14
51. Column Strips and Middle Strips00:06:27
52. Factored Moment in Column Strip00:07:48
53. Deflection Control00:02:39
54. Allowable Deflections00:03:29
55. Moment of Inertia for Deflection Calculation00:02:54
56. Moment Vs curvature plot00:04:33
57. Deflection Response of RC Beams (Flexure)00:03:30
58. Cracked and Uncracked Transformed Section00:05:06
59. Calculate the Deflections00:04:00
60. Sustained Load Deflections00:03:49
61. Example00:05:18
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 68
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 9
- آخر تحديث: 01/02/2022
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