1. Course Objectives00:03:25
2. Brief Course Description00:03:41
3. Course Outline00:06:31
4. Advantages of Concrete Structures00:03:42
5. Disadvantages of Concrete Structures00:04:27
6. Limit States and Design00:02:55
7. Serviceability Limit States00:02:06
8. Special Limit States00:01:18
9. Limit States Design00:01:15
10. ACI Building Codes00:02:23
11. Design Philosophy00:02:21
12. Strength Design Method00:03:24
13. Safety Provisions00:03:34
14. Variability in Resistance00:04:28
15. Consequences of Failure00:02:52
16. Specifications and Loading00:05:05
17. Properties of Concrete00:06:19
18. Types of compression failure00:02:12
19. Properties of Steel00:03:54
20. Class of Structures00:03:16
21. Cover and Transverse Reinforcement00:03:13
22. Design of Spiral Reinforcement00:02:58
23. Strain and Stress in Concrete Beams00:06:53
24. Preliminary Design Values00:03:12
25. The stages before collapse (Beams)00:04:32
26. Cracked Concrete (Tension Zone) - Elastic Stage00:04:31
27. Basic Concepts of RC Beams00:05:01
28. Flexural Stress00:05:39
29. Basic Assumptions in Flexure Theory00:04:21
30. The compressive coefficients of the stress00:04:21
31. Example of rectangular reinforced concrete beam00:02:46
32. Example of non-rectangular reinforced concrete beam00:03:22
33. Inelastic Behavior00:04:10
34. Limitations on Reinforcement Ratio00:04:31
35. Additional Requirements for Lower Limit on Reinforcement Ratio00:04:13
36. Determine Balanced Reinforcement Ratio00:03:17
37. Example - Balanced Reinforcement Ratio00:04:19
38. Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Sections00:04:32
39. Reasons for Providing Compression Reinforcement00:03:50
40. Effect of Compression Reinforcement00:04:59
41. Doubly Reinforced Beams00:05:52
42. Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Rectangular Sections00:03:27
43. Limitations on Reinforcement Ratio for Doubly Reinforced beams00:03:02
44. Example: Doubly Reinforced Section00:03:15
45. Analysis of Flanged Section00:04:37
46. ACI Code Provisions for Estimating beff00:03:10
47. Analysis of T-Beam00:05:19
48. Limitations on Reinforcement for Flange Beams00:04:41
49. Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slab Sections00:04:02
50. ACI Code Requirements for Strength Design00:03:52
51. Flexural Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slab Sections00:04:36
52. Factored Load Combinations00:05:00
53. Resistance Factors, f - ACI Sec 9.3.2 Strength Reduction Factors00:03:44
54. Background Information for Designing Beam Sections00:05:03
55. Minimum Cover Dimension00:04:37
56. Design Procedure for section dimensions are unknown00:04:49
57. Flexural Reinforcement in Slabs00:06:15
58. Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar Cutoffs, and Continuity - 100:07:01
59. Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar Cutoffs, and Continuity - 200:04:51
60. Factors used in expressions for Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)00:04:50
61. Development Length for Bars in Compression (ACI 12.3)00:04:24
62. Hooked Bar at Discontinuous Ends (ACI 12.5.4)00:03:18
63. Standard Hooks for Tension Anchorage00:03:35
64. Design of Standard Hooks for Tension Anchorage (ACI 12.5)00:03:14
65. Bar Cutoff Points00:04:16
66. Determining Locations of Flexural Cutoffs00:04:06
67. Bar Cutoffs - General Procedure00:03:34
68. Examples00:03:32
69. Bar Splices00:02:40
70. Tension Lap Splice (ACI 12.15)00:03:53
71. Compression Lap Splice (ACI 12.16)00:02:52
72. Uncracked Elastic Beam Behavior00:03:27
73. Inclined Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Beams00:04:06
74. Shear Strength of RC Beams without Web Reinforcement00:03:39
75. Function and Strength of Web Reinforcement00:03:10
76. Designing to Resist Shear00:03:32
77. Shear Strength Provided by Concrete00:03:54
78. Lightweight Concrete00:02:55
79. Typical Shear Reinforcement00:03:28
80. Stirrup Anchorage Requirements00:02:54
81. Design Procedure for Shear00:04:27
82. Location of Maximum Shear for Beam Design00:03:03
83. RC structural systems (Floor Systems)00:05:08
84. Flat slab (w/ drop panels and/or capitals)00:03:17
85. One-way joist system00:04:14
86. Two-way waffle system00:03:37
87. Flexural Reinforcement in Slabs00:04:27
88. Reinforcement Development Lengths, Bar Cutoffs, and Continuity00:05:19
89. Reinforcement Development Lengths00:03:47
90. Factors used in expressions for Development Length (ACI 12.2.4)00:07:56
91. Hooked Bar at Discontinuous Ends (ACI 12.5.4)00:02:57
92. Thickness of One-Way Slabs00:03:51
93. Cover for Slab Reinforcement00:02:25
94. Slab Reinforcement00:02:45
95. Cutoffs of Slab Reinforcement00:02:51
96. Definition and General Information00:04:25
97. Elastic Behavior00:04:16
98. Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under concentric Axial loads - 100:08:04
99. Behavior, Nominal Capacity and Design under concentric Axial loads - 200:05:37
100. Approximate Analysis Methods00:03:06
101. Biaxial Bending in Short Columns00:02:30
102. Definition and General Information00:02:21
103. Crack Width Control00:05:49
104. Limits on Crack Width00:03:38
105. Deflection Control00:03:13
106. Allowable Deflections00:03:03
107. Moment of Inertia for Deflection Calculation00:02:45
108. Moment Vs curvature plot00:03:43
109. Moment of Inertia00:04:42
110. Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Sections - Example00:02:11
111. Calculate the Deflections00:02:24
112. Serviceability Load Deflections - Example - 100:04:15
113. Serviceability Load Deflections - Example - 200:03:41
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 113
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 14
- آخر تحديث: 01/02/2022
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