Definition of Laplace transform00:03:17
Basic Knowledge00:04:41
Laplace transform theorem00:04:03
Laplace transform of basics function - 100:04:06
Laplace transform of basics function - 200:04:38
Laplace transform of basics function - 300:03:58
Laplace transform of basics function - 400:03:39
Laplace transform properties - 100:03:43
Laplace transform properties - 200:04:52
Laplace transform properties - 300:05:23
Laplace transform properties - 400:03:32
Partial fraction technique - 100:05:25
Partial fraction technique - 200:07:48
Introduction to Block diagram reduction technique - 100:04:22
Introduction to Block diagram reduction technique - 200:05:04
Block diagrams example00:04:28
Basic reduction techniques - 100:05:19
Basic reduction techniques - 200:05:47
Basic reduction techniques - 300:03:37
Reduction blocks - 100:03:06
Reduction blocks - 200:03:40
Reduction blocks - 300:03:49
Reduction blocks - 400:04:19
Reduction blocks - 500:04:53
Reduction blocks - 600:06:04
Reduction blocks - 700:05:18
Signal flow graph - 100:04:36
Signal flow graph - 200:05:03
Signal flow graph - 300:06:13
Mason Rule and Signal flow graph - 300:04:08
Example - 1 on Mason Rule00:10:46
Example - 2 on Mason Rule00:08:32
Introduction to Time domain Analysis00:04:11
Used signals for testing feedback control system - 100:03:22
Used signals for testing feedback control system - 200:02:46
Time response of a dynamic system00:03:58
First order system introduction00:04:38
Impulse response of a first order system00:04:04
Step response of a first order system00:04:54
Time response of a first order system: Plot00:05:03
Time response of a first order system: Variation00:03:49
Example 1: Impulse response of a first order system00:07:20
Ramp response of a first order system00:04:33
First order system with delay00:03:10
Practical determination of a transfer function of a first order system00:03:26
Example of a first order system00:05:45
Time domain Analysis of a second order system - 100:03:40
Example 1 on a second order system00:03:00
Time domain Analysis of a second order system - 200:06:07
Under damped system: most useful case00:04:43
Parameters determination of a second order system from figure00:05:37
Step response of under damped system00:06:55
Introduction to stability of feedback control system00:06:49
Routh stability criterion00:04:20
Examples on Routh criterion00:03:04
How to apply the test: Routh Table00:07:18
How to apply the test via example1: Routh Table00:06:48
How to apply the test via example2 (variable gain): Routh Table00:05:06
Routh Hurwitz Criterion: special case - 100:06:13
Routh Hurwitz Criterion: special case - 200:06:09
Root locus method - 100:07:31
Root locus method - 200:06:33
Root locus method - 300:04:27
Root locus method - 400:05:45
Time domain vs frequency domain00:04:27
Frequency response: first order process00:05:08
Bode- Nequist Diagram00:04:36
Bode diagram: Example - 100:07:12
Bode plot of a low pass filter00:06:37
Asymptote behaviour of phase for law and high frequency00:04:01
Bode plot: exercise - 100:02:58
Bode plot: exercise - 200:03:31
Bode plot of a low pass filter00:04:34
Bode plot: exercise 2 and 300:04:12
Computer generated Bode plot00:06:44
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 82
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 18
- آخر تحديث: 01/02/2022
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يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
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