11. Water in soil00:06:02
12. Surface tension00:07:13
13. Capillarity00:07:21
14. Flow in tubes00:09:51
15. Flow through soil00:06:59
16. Darcy00:05:33
17. Coefficient of Permeability00:08:09
18. How to determine Coefficient of Permeability - 100:05:28
19. How to determine Coefficient of Permeability - 200:04:58
20. Aquifer Formations00:06:08
21. Pumping out test for confined aquifer00:03:42
22. Equivalent Permeability for layered soil00:09:57
23. Concept of effective stress00:07:26
24. How do you calculate effective stresses (case of seepage) - 100:04:45
25. How do you calculate effective stresses (case of seepage) - 200:07:12
26. Critical Hydraulic Gradient (case of seepage)00:03:36
27. Shear strength00:07:02
28. Shear box test00:05:21
29. Triaxial test - 100:07:21
30. Triaxial test - 200:03:59
31. example on shear strength00:04:28
32. Example on shear strength of soil - 100:03:39
33. Example on shear strength of soil - 200:04:11
34. Example on shear strength of soil - 300:05:12
35. Consolidation of soil00:04:49
36. Consolidation test00:06:15
37. Example on Consolidation test - 100:07:57
38. Example on Consolidation test - 200:04:57
39. The main functions of reinforced soil00:03:16
40. Steps of soil reinforcement design - 100:09:21
41. Steps of soil reinforcement design - 200:08:10
42. Example on soil reinforcement design - 100:04:58
43. Example on soil reinforcement design - 200:08:07
44. Example on soil reinforcement design - 300:05:31
45. Definition of slope00:05:59
46. Typical modes of slope failure00:04:09
47. Rotational Failure Surface00:05:34
48. Rotational Failure Surface example00:10:14
49. Method of Slices - 100:05:00
50. Method of Slices - 200:05:26
51. Method of Slices example - 100:04:15
52. Method of Slices example - 200:06:41
53. Soil stabilization meaning00:07:57
54. Methods of SURFACE STABILISATION00:04:24
55. Factors Affecting Mechanical Stabilization00:06:33
57. Factors affecting soil cement stabilization00:04:51
58. Lime STABILISATION00:06:32
59. Estimation percentage of Lime00:06:36
60. Chemical & Physical Changes in Lime Stabilization00:05:54
61. Soil- Bituminous Stabilization00:05:11
62. Factors affecting soil Bituminous stabilization00:07:04
63. Chemical STABILISATION00:04:19
64. Types of chemical STABILISATION00:12:01
65. Ground improvement: PRE LOADING00:07:13
66. Ground improvement: DEEP COMPACTION00:07:54
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 69
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 14
- آخر تحديث: 02/02/2022
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