Scalp: Layers and nerve supply00:05:11
Scalp: Blood supply00:03:59
Temporal fossa00:05:47
Tempro mandibular joint00:05:30
Infratemporal fossa -100:08:42
Infratemporal fossa - 200:04:59
Parotid gland - 100:04:50
Parotid gland - 200:07:35
Nasal cavity00:06:16
Paranasal air sinuses00:06:48
Anterior triangle of the neck00:08:19
Posterior triangle of the neck00:07:25
Submandibular region00:08:44
Glands in the submandibular region00:05:29
Thyroid and parathyroid glands00:08:44
Mouth and soft palate00:05:44
Pharynx and esophagus00:08:30
Larynx skeleton and ligaments00:05:45
Larynx & cervical part of the trachea00:07:56
Muscles and deep fascia of the neck00:10:01
Nerves of the neck00:10:22
Venous and lymphatic drainage of the head and neck00:05:55
Arteries of the neck00:08:34
Pectoral region00:05:59
Vessels and nerves of the axilla00:08:21
Brachial plexus00:08:10
Principal nerves of the upper limb00:11:27
Muscles of the back00:06:17
Muscles of the scapular region00:08:04
Shoulder joint00:08:23
Muscles and blood vessels of the arm00:08:06
Nerves of the arm and cubital fossa00:05:52
Elbow and superior radioulnar joints00:08:59
Flexors of the forearm and carpal tunnel00:08:46
Superficial extensor muscles of the forearm00:08:14
Deep extensor muscles of the forearm and extensor retinaculum00:05:57
Inferior radioulnar joint and wrist joint00:06:58
Muscles of the hand00:10:41
Blood vessels of the forearm and hand00:09:54
Nerves of the forearm and hand00:09:45
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 44
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 16
- آخر تحديث: 04/02/2022
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
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يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
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