Topics covered00:03:28
Software costs00:03:08
Software products00:04:24
Importance of software engineering00:05:00
Software engineering diversity00:04:20
Software engineering and the web00:03:09
Application types00:03:08
Issues of professional responsibility00:04:01
Case studies00:06:25
Activity model of the insulin pump00:04:11
A patient information system for mental health care00:05:30
The organization of the MHC-PMS00:04:09
Topics covered00:05:24
Plan-driven and agile processes00:04:37
The waterfall model00:04:34
Incremental development00:04:35
Reuse-oriented software engineering00:03:00
Software specification00:04:13
Software design and implementation00:05:30
Software validation00:03:48
Testing stages00:04:02
Software evolution00:03:34
Coping with Change00:05:07
Topics covered00:04:53
Agile method applicability00:05:59
Plan-driven and agile development00:04:37
Extreme programming00:04:31
Requirements scenarios00:04:40
A ‘suggesting medicine’ story00:04:56
Testing in XP00:04:34
Customer involvement00:05:26
XP testing difficulties00:04:21
Pair programming00:04:26
Topics covered00:02:43
What is a requirement?00:05:39
User and system requirements00:07:07
Functional and non-functional requirements00:03:58
Functional requirements00:05:00
Non-functional requirements00:03:55
Non-functional classifications00:04:50
Goals and requirements00:04:35
Domain requirements00:05:00
Agile methods and requirements00:04:40
Requirements specification00:04:01
Natural language specification00:03:18
Topics covered00:04:16
UML diagram types00:03:54
Context models00:03:23
Interaction models00:03:30
Use case modeling00:03:55
Sequence diagrams00:06:25
Structural models00:03:26
Class diagrams00:04:16
Classes and associations in the MHC-PMS00:04:07
Object class aggregation models00:03:18
Behavioral models00:03:07
State machine models00:06:35
Topics covered00:04:05
Inspections and testing00:04:23
A model of the software testing process00:05:00
General testing guidelines00:04:27
Development testing00:05:56
Component testing00:05:00
System testing00:04:31
Test-driven development00:04:53
Release testing00:04:27
Types of user testing00:04:07
Topics covered00:04:21
Importance of evolution00:04:37
Evolution and servicing00:04:34
Evolution processes00:05:02
Urgent change requests00:03:59
Software maintenance00:04:16
Maintenance costs00:06:37
Maintenance prediction00:06:45
System re-engineering00:04:41
The reengineering process00:05:29
Reengineering approaches00:06:02
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 91
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 30
- آخر تحديث: 04/02/2022
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
سجل الآن
يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة