1 training00:06:19
2 Static Routing00:21:10
3 Static Routing00:03:27
4 Static Routing00:11:02
5 Static Routing00:14:37
6 Static Routing00:13:54
7 Static Routing00:05:20
8 RIP config00:06:14
9 RIP config00:09:35
10 RIP config00:10:55
11 RIP interface & authentication00:10:22
12 RIP versions00:10:12
13 RIP Chain Keys00:08:55
14 Routing Prefix Lists00:09:17
15 Routing Prefix Lists00:18:31
16 Distribute default route00:09:39
17 Router Neighbours00:09:45
18 OSPF00:14:10
19 OSPF ID00:04:47
20 OSPF Designated Router00:12:42
21 OSPF Multi Area00:13:51
22 OSPF Multi Area00:10:45
23 OSPF Multi Area00:03:56
24 OSPF LSA Types Explained00:09:44
25 OSPF Types of Area00:10:21
26 OSPF Types of Area00:21:09
27 OSPF Types of Area00:12:15
28 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:06:41
29 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:16:18
30 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:13:20
31 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:09:17
32 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:08:37
33 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:06:19
34 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:09:35
35 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:10:00
36 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:09:33
37 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:15:16
38 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:13:21
39 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:13:08
40 Border Gateway Protocol BGP00:09:30
41 redistributed via BGPProtocol00:08:13
42 confederations BGPProtocol00:17:45
43 confederations BGPProtocol00:05:35
44 BGP aggregate configuration00:04:45
45 BGP weight property00:08:34
46 BGP Local Preference attribute00:13:24
47 BGP AS PATH attribute00:18:58
48 BGP MULTI EXIT DISC BGP attribute00:07:50
49 BGP MULTI EXIT DISC BGP attribute00:13:20
50 Using BGP Community00:17:27
51 COMMUNITIES BGP attribute00:09:40
52 BGP Community out filter BGP00:09:56
53 BGP attribute00:10:00
54 IPv6 address00:06:35
55 IPv6 Addressing methods00:04:24
56 IPv6 Address formats00:04:19
57 IPv6 Packet format00:09:37
58 ipv6 address assignment00:14:07
59 Configuration RIPng for IPv600:09:20
60 IPv6 Routing OSPFv300:15:45
61 IPv6 Multi Area OSPFv300:10:58
62 IPv6 over IPv4 GRE Tunnels00:15:02
63 IPv6 over IPv4 GRE Tunnels00:05:43
64 Setting up an IPv6 tunnel via 6to400:18:27
65 The IPIP tunneling implementation00:13:46
66 L2TP is a secure tunnel protocol00:09:39
67 PPPoE Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet00:07:46
68 Virtual Local Area Network VLAN00:06:58
69 Virtual Local Area Network VLAN00:08:50
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: متقدم
- عدد المواد: 69
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 90
- آخر تحديث: 09/02/2022
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
سجل الآن
يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة