1 Laravel MVC framework project00:02:58
2 Laravel MVC framework project00:05:09
3 Laravel MVC framework project00:09:41
4 Laravel Heroku setup & configuration00:18:52
5 Laravel Heroku install linux00:07:58
6 Laravel Heroku install windows00:20:26
7 Laravel Heroku install windows00:14:43
8 Laravel Heroku install windows00:04:29
9 Laravel Application Structure00:10:00
10 Laravel Routing00:08:36
11 Laravel Controllers00:15:02
12 Laravel Controllers00:05:05
13 Laravel Templates Blade00:10:15
14 Laravel Controllers & templates00:17:32
15 Laravel install dependencies00:08:48
16 Laravel create navbar00:10:24
17 Laravel include setup bootstrap00:16:48
18 Laravel Heroku overview00:08:21
19 Laravel Heroku database setup00:08:54
20 Connecting to Heroku Databases from workbench00:12:37
21 Connecting to Heroku Databases from workbench00:20:38
22 Laravel artisan tinker00:13:20
23 Laravel create project Controller00:05:29
24 Laravel connect with database00:11:22
25 Laravel Eloquent ORM read data00:20:41
26 Laravel Eloquent ORM read data00:06:10
27 Laravel Eloquent ORM read data00:11:06
28 Laravel Eloquent ORM show by id00:12:59
29 Laravel Eloquent ORM functions00:10:55
30 Laravel Forms create00:17:09
31 Laravel Forms and error messages00:06:05
32 Laravel Forms and controller00:13:54
33 Laravel Forms create post00:09:43
34 Laravel Forms update post00:11:16
35 Laravel Forms delete post00:12:38
36 Laravel Authentication system00:11:44
37 Laravel Authentication system00:11:11
38 Laravel user Querying Relations00:12:21
39 Laravel user Querying Relations00:25:38
40 Laravel user Querying Relations00:05:12
41 Laravel user Querying Relations00:10:12
42 Laravel user Querying Relations00:07:18
43 Laravel upload image post00:38:34
44 Laravel upload image post00:07:47
45 Laravel upload image post00:10:12
46 Laravel upload and deploy on Heroku cloud00:10:34
47 Laravel deploy on Heroku cloud00:12:43
48 Laravel where to GO00:03:19
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 48
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 5
- آخر تحديث: 09/02/2022
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
سجل الآن
يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة