1. intro00:03:28
2. programming language00:10:51
3. memory management & memory allocation00:06:37
4. Install Visual Studio for Mac00:13:33
5. Install Visual Studio for Windows00:10:03
6. Visual Studio overview00:08:21
7. programming language00:07:54
8. Variable Naming Conventions00:09:09
9. Data types00:17:05
10. Data types00:14:38
11. Data types00:06:19
12. Data types Char00:06:52
13. Data types String00:12:49
14. String StringBuilder Class00:08:43
15. String Functions00:12:51
16. Operators Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment, Unary, Ternary00:13:05
17. Date & Time format00:07:19
18. ReadLine & WriteLine00:03:48
19. if else statement00:11:04
20. switch statement00:07:28
21. For Loop00:07:16
22. Comments00:03:13
23. While Loop & Do While Loop00:14:34
24. Foreach Loop00:04:49
25. Break & Continue Statement00:04:51
26. Functions , Void & Static00:08:23
27. Functions parameter00:03:51
28. Functions Return type00:07:30
29. Functions Call By Value00:06:20
30. Functions Call By Reference00:02:30
31. Functions Out Parameter00:04:43
32. Variable Scope Local & Global00:07:31
33. Arrays00:08:09
34. Arrays & Loops00:05:49
35. Multidimensional Arrays00:06:43
36. Object and Class object oriented language00:04:40
37. Object and Class object oriented language00:07:25
38. Object and Class object oriented language00:04:22
39. Object and Class Initialize and print data through method00:07:57
40. Object and Class Default Constructor00:04:22
41. OOP Parameterized Constructor00:05:30
42. OOP this keyword00:07:50
43. OOP Static keyword00:07:40
44. OOP Static keyword00:04:31
45. OOP Static Class00:03:56
46. OOP Static constructor00:04:38
47. OOP Structs are blueprints00:06:29
48. OOP Inheritance00:04:49
49. OOP Inheritance00:02:45
50. OOP Multi Level Inheritance00:02:36
51. OOP Aggregation HAS A Relationship00:13:44
52. OOP Method Overloading00:04:44
53. OOP Method Overloading00:02:34
54. OOP Method Overriding00:06:18
55. OOP Polymorphism00:09:43
56. OOP Sealed keyword00:03:42
57. OOP Abstraction00:08:50
58. OOP Interface00:07:49
59. OOP Namespace00:08:09
60. Public Access Modifiers : Specifiers00:05:10
61. Protected Access Modifiers : Specifiers00:06:28
62. Private Access Modifiers : Specifiers00:03:12
63. OOP Encapsulation00:06:53
64. Exception Handling00:07:25
65. Exception Handling Checked and Unchecked00:03:40
66. Exception Handling try:catch:finally00:01:59
67. User Defined Exceptions00:08:25
68. SystemException class00:03:44
69. Exception Handling00:02:03
70. Collections00:01:41
71. Collections List00:05:45
72. Collections HashSet00:04:37
73. Collections SortedSet00:05:13
74. Collections Stack00:07:15
75. Collections Queue00:05:23
76. Collections LinkedList00:08:27
77. Collections Dictionary00:05:06
78. Collections SortedDictionary00:04:48
79. Collections SortedList00:06:40
80. Multithreading00:05:01
81. Multithreading00:02:28
82. Thread class00:04:49
83. Thread Object00:03:20
84. Threading Sleep method00:02:17
85. Threading Abort method00:04:49
86. Threading Join method00:04:08
87. Threading Naming Thread00:04:28
88. Threading ThreadPriority00:04:07
89. WPF Windows Presentation Foundation00:07:56
90. WPF XAML, eXtensible Application Markup Language00:08:56
91. WPF GUI Events in XAML00:06:41
92. WPF GUI TextBlock in XAML00:06:51
93. WPF GUI TextBlock ,Bold, Italic and Underline00:03:12
94. WPF GUI TextBox control00:04:48
95. WPF GUI TextBox control00:03:11
96. WPF GUI CheckBox control00:05:57
97. WPF GUI CheckBox control00:05:08
98. WPF GUI CheckBox control00:03:54
99. WPF GUI RadioButton control00:06:21
100. WPF GUI GroupBox control00:12:37
101. WPF GUI DatePicker control00:10:17
102. WPF GUI DatePicker control00:03:05
103. WPF GUI ComboBox control00:04:57
104. WPF GUI ListView control00:07:44
105. WPF GUI ListView & Objects00:08:24
106. WPF GUI ListView & GridView00:09:47
107. WPF GUI DataGrid & Objects00:09:58
108. WPF GUI DataGrid & Objects00:07:47
109. Database SQL SERVER00:12:17
110. Database SQL SERVER Connection with system configuration00:16:16
111. Database SQL SERVER Connection with system configuration00:11:17
112. Database SQL SERVER Reading data00:14:22
113. Database SQL SERVER & WPF00:08:39
114. Database SQL SERVER & ADD Insert00:09:42
115. Database SQL SERVER & Update Delete00:04:51
116. Database SQL SERVER & Insert Data00:08:06
117. Database SQL SERVER & DataGrid00:07:21
118. Database SQL SERVER update DataGrid00:05:43
119. Database SQL SERVER delete data DataGrid00:03:45
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 119
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 55
- آخر تحديث: 11/02/2022
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
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يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة