1 Blockchain Technology with Ethereum00:03:55
2 Blockchain Technology with Ethereum00:03:12
3 Ethereum decentralized platform for money and new kinds of applications00:06:01
4 Solidity Remix browser based compiler and IDE00:06:26
5 Solidity Remix browser based compiler and IDE00:08:30
6 Solidity object oriented, high level language00:09:46
7 Solidity supports both C style and C++ style comments00:03:43
8 Ethereum Solidity Variables & data types00:05:28
9 Ethereum Solidity Boolean & data types00:03:30
10 Ethereum Solidity Arithmetic Operators00:07:04
11 Ethereum Solidity State vs Local Variables00:16:24
12 Ethereum Solidity Variables Public , Internal & Private00:18:13
13 Ethereum Solidity Loops While Loop00:05:09
14 Ethereum Solidity Loops Do While Loop00:03:41
15 Ethereum Solidity Loops For Loop00:04:07
16 Ethereum Solidity if statement Condition00:05:56
17 Ethereum Solidity String data types00:08:47
18 Ethereum Solidity data structure Arrays00:07:56
19 Ethereum Solidity Struct types defines a new data type00:05:22
20 Ethereum Solidity Mapping reference type as arrays and structs00:07:46
21 Ethereum Solidity function group of reusable code00:07:50
22 Ethereum Solidity function View functions00:10:00
23 Ethereum Solidity function Pure functions00:06:26
24 Ethereum Solidity function overloading00:06:03
25 Ethereum Solidity function payable, public & privare00:06:51
26 Ethereum Solidity OOP Class & Object Object oriented programming00:17:12
27 Ethereum Solidity OOP single & multiple inheritance00:11:21
28 Ethereum Solidity OOP Abstract Contracts00:07:27
29 Ethereum Solidity OOP Interfaces00:05:19
30 Requirements for building ethereum application00:02:32
31 install nodejs, ganache , geth & ethereum on Windows with Visual studio code IDE00:16:34
32 install nodejs, ganache , geth & ethereum on Linux00:05:01
33 install nodejs, ganache , geth & ethereum on Mac OSX00:07:54
34 Ethereum Truffle framework for building, testing and deploying00:09:09
35 Ethereum Truffle framework for building, testing and deploying00:07:54
36 Ethereum Truffle framework , migration files & contract00:14:16
37 Ethereum Truffle framework , migration files & contract00:15:37
38 Ethereum Truffle framework ,run deployed contract00:05:11
39 Ganache personal Ethereum blockchain for tests, execute commands00:11:58
40 Connect Ganache with deployed contract00:07:52
41 Truffle framework & Web3js addresses , transaction, accounts00:10:15
42 Ethereum Truffle framework Ether gas calculation00:09:43
43 Truffle framework & Web3js send ether & get balance00:11:11
44 Ethereum Truffle framework , create Book Store contract00:08:22
45 Truffle framework & Web3js accounts & get balance00:15:03
46 Ethereum Truffle framework , deployed Book Store contract00:11:43
47 Ethereum Truffle framework , test Book Store contract00:11:12
48 Ethereum Truffle framework , test Book Store contract00:09:00
49 Ethereum Truffle framework , test contract over network00:04:08
50 Ethereum Truffle framework with Nodejs and Expressjs00:11:03
51 Ethereum Truffle framework with Nodejs and Expressjs00:11:00
52 Ethereum API Truffle framework with Nodejs and Expressjs00:10:19
53 Ethereum API Truffle ,Ganache with Nodejs get accounts00:05:25
54 Ethereum API Truffle ,Ganache with Nodejs get account by id00:06:00
55 Ethereum API web3 js packages Utils & Eth00:05:24
56 Ethereum API web3 js packages Eth getTransactionCount00:03:02
57 Ethereum API web3 js packages Eth Transaction, blockNumber ,blockHash, gasPrice00:04:47
58 Ethereum API upgrade web3 js versions 0 2 vs 1 2000:13:16
59 Truffle Contract function & Web3js00:06:44
60 Truffle Contract function & Web3js00:01:59
61 Truffle Contract function & Web3js API routes00:03:48
62 Truffle Contract function & Web3js API routes00:06:49
63 Truffle Contract RESTful API using NodeJS , ExpressJS00:05:45
64 Truffle Contract Pirivate key account RESTful API using NodeJS , ExpressJS00:07:04
65 Where to Go00:03:35
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 65
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 18
- آخر تحديث: 12/02/2022
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