1 Vue JS The Progressive JavaScript Framework00:08:40
2 Vue JS The Progressive JavaScript Framework00:07:50
3 Vue JS The Progressive JavaScript Framework00:12:02
4 Vue JS The Progressive JavaScript Framework00:03:25
5 Vue JS The Progressive JavaScript Framework00:07:08
6 Vue JS Class and Style binding00:18:10
7 Vue JS events00:07:30
8 Vue JS directive two way binding00:06:19
9 Vue JS keyboard events00:05:14
10 Vue JS keyboard events00:18:10
11 Vue JS events00:07:18
12 Vue JS directive two way binding00:06:19
13 Vue JS Conditional Rendering00:11:54
14 Vue JS List Rendering00:10:21
15 Vue JS Creating a Project | Vue CLI00:18:27
16 Vue JS Creating a Project | Vue CLI00:12:31
17 Vue JS Creating a prototype | Vue CLI00:10:16
18 Vue JS Passing Data to Child Components with Props00:22:59
19 Vue JS Emitting a Value With an Event00:12:09
20 Vue JS lifecycle hooks00:09:25
21 Vue JS lifecycle hooks00:15:33
22 Vue JS Computed Properties and Watchers00:06:51
23 Vue JS Using the GUI00:12:43
24 Vue JS Vue Router Introduction00:14:16
25 Vue JS Vue Router00:09:20
26 Vue JS Vue Router00:06:54
27 Vue JS Link Router00:03:30
28 Vue JS params Router00:10:24
29 Vue JS Router | history mode vs hash mode00:04:23
30 Vue JS firebase & bootstrap00:09:03
31 Vue JS project firebase & bootstrap00:08:57
32 Vue JS project CRUD firebase & bootstrap00:13:22
33 Vue JS project CRUD firebase & bootstrap00:15:40
34 Vue JS project CRUD firebase & bootstrap00:14:21
35 Vue JS project CRUD firebase & bootstrap00:17:05
36 Vue JS project CRUD firebase & bootstrap00:11:55
37 Vue JS project CRUD firebase & bootstrap00:10:21
38 Vue JS project Authentication firebase & bootstrap00:10:37
39 Vue JS project Authentication firebase & bootstrap00:06:12
40 Vue JS project Authentication Login & Rgister00:14:53
41 Vue JS Authentication forgot password & Reset password00:15:19
42 Vue JS Authentication Logout & Dashboard00:09:02
43 Vuex | state management pattern & library00:14:41
44 Vuex | state management pattern & library00:16:04
45 Vuex | State00:10:12
46 Vuex | Getters00:11:57
47 Vuex | Mutations00:09:44
48 Vuex | Actions00:11:57
49 create project using Vuex00:08:55
50 create project using Vuex00:14:38
51 create project using Vuex00:09:59
52 create project using Vuex00:19:09
53 create project using Vuex00:14:48
54 create project using Vuex00:14:10
55 create project using Vuex & firebase00:10:06
56 Vuex | Async await actions & firebase00:16:14
57 Vue JS | Filters & Moment JS00:15:46
58 Vue JS | Where to Go00:02:33
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 58
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 9
- آخر تحديث: 12/02/2022
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
سجل الآن
يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة