1. introduction to the course00:16:58
2. installation tools for course00:12:50
3. installation first project laravel00:13:06
4. browse project files00:14:14
5. basics routes00:22:04
6. Routing Request Functions00:10:23
7. Routing With Parameters00:12:17
8. Introduction to Blade System00:20:04
9. template Inheritance00:26:17
10. introduction to Controllers00:12:00
11. Create First Controller00:18:30
12. Create Resource Controller00:09:19
13. Routing Using Except and Only00:08:00
14. Create invoke Controller00:10:56
15. Construct in Controller00:05:05
16. Introduction to Migrations00:08:41
17. Create First Migration00:12:02
18. Create First Table00:15:39
19. Migration Commands Rollback, Fresh, Refresh00:12:11
20. Migration Command Add Column00:11:11
21. Create Foreign Keys Using Migrations00:09:36
22. Introduction Query builder00:04:05
23. Create Post Controller & Table00:13:37
24. Insert Data With Query builder00:13:14
25. Get Data With Query builder00:13:33
26. Show Data To Update With Query builder00:13:23
27. Update Data With Query builder00:15:29
28. Delete Data With Query builder00:06:14
29. Delete All Data With Query builder00:06:55
30. Delete All Data By Truncate With Query builder00:07:27
31. Introduction to Eloquent ORM00:08:51
32. Create FirstModel & Create Tabel Migrations00:17:55
33. Table Names & Primary Keys & Incrementing False & Timestamps False00:11:21
34. ()Insert Data Using Models Save00:17:24
35. Insert Data Using Models Create00:15:23
36. Select Data Using Model All&Get00:09:12
37. Edit Data Using Models FindOrFail00:13:12
38. Update Data Using Models00:11:20
39. Delete Data Using Models00:06:04
40. SoftDelete Data Using Models00:06:41
41. Get Data SoftDelete Using Models00:09:17
42. Restore Data Using Models00:08:48
43. ForceDelete Data Using Models00:05:54
44. Query Scopes Using Models00:10:21
45. Review Eloquent00:02:59
46. Validation In Controller00:17:34
47. Form Request Validation00:15:49
48. One To One Relationship00:24:08
49. One To Many Relationship00:23:40
50. Many To Many Relationship00:23:52
51. Accessor function00:12:58
52. Mutator functions00:10:51
53. Authentication-Ui00:15:47
54. Authentication-Breeze00:09:21
55. Authentication-Jetstream00:23:08
56. Create First Middleware00:10:13
57. Check User Status With Middleware00:13:27
58. Create First Seeder Class00:20:34
59. Insert Data Using Tinker00:07:33
60. Create First factory Class00:18:19
61. Create Email Mailgun00:08:48
62. Sending First Test Email00:16:20
63. Sending Mail With Markdown00:14:20
64. Email Verification00:05:15
65. Forgot Password00:04:19
66. Introduction Events and Listeners00:09:51
67. Using Laravel Built-in events00:22:00
68. Create Custom Events And Listeners00:31:20
69. Instruction Notifications With Database00:16:12
70. Create First Notification00:20:14
71. Show Unread Notifications00:12:58
72. Read At One Notification00:10:44
73. Mark all as read Notifications00:11:59
74. Create First Trait00:27:11
75. Create Helpers functions00:28:15
76. Introduction Queue In Laravel00:07:50
77. Create First Job And Updata Data With Queue00:31:02
78. Send Mails With Queue00:20:37
79. Introduction To File Storage System In Laravel00:16:49
80. Upload Image In Folder00:23:51
81. Upload Image In Folder And Insert In Database00:08:14
82. Show Images In Blade00:14:33
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: مبتدئ
- عدد المواد: 82
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 35
- آخر تحديث: 24/06/2022
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
سجل الآن
يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة