1- المقدمة00:07:59
2- ما هي البرمجة ؟ وما هي لغات البرمجة ؟00:14:15
3 - explain and install C++ Visual Studio 00:06:03
4- basics to c++ and first project00:11:10
5- cout and endl00:12:07
6- variables and constant part 100:11:47
7- variables and constant part 200:14:01
8- cin00:08:43
9- Arithmetic Operators part 100:15:00
10- Arithmetic Operators part 2 and prefix and postfix 00:10:35
11- cmath and revision to chapter 200:23:00
12- compare operator00:07:01
13- if and else part 100:10:58
14- if and else part 2 and else if00:07:12
15 - Nested If 00:14:29
16 - Logic Operator By If00:09:47
17 - Revision To If and Else If00:17:55
18 - Switch00:12:56
19 - Loop By while00:12:47
20 - Loop By do - while00:09:29
21 - Exercises on Loop By while and do -while 00:27:23
22 - Loop By for00:07:28
23 - Exercises on Loop By for00:07:44
24 - Nested for00:09:49
25 - Exercises on Nested for and Shapes00:24:49
26 - Exercises on Shapes and break , continue00:19:56
27 - Function00:08:02
28 - Type For Function00:14:32
29 - declaration ,definition and call 00:15:30
30 - Notes are Very Important To the Functions00:09:01
31 - Function Parameter Part 100:16:50
32 - Function Parameter Part 200:20:50
33 - Function Parameter Part 300:11:50
34 - Function and Reference00:10:38
35 - Function , Scope and Default00:17:00
36 - Function and Overloading00:10:01
37 - Function and Recursion00:13:00
38 - Information for Function00:06:38
39 - Introduction to Array00:09:42
40 - Values of Array and Very Important Notes 00:15:23
41-sum and Average for Array00:07:13
42 - Array Two dimensions part 100:14:57
43 - Array Two dimensions part 200:07:56
44 - max and min for Array Two dimensions 00:09:03
45 - Array and Function00:14:12
46 - String Part 100:10:53
47 - String and its Functions00:16:56
48 - introduction to struct00:15:01
49 - Program of struct Part 100:11:32
50 - Program of struct Part 200:06:29
51 - Different Between Struct and Array, Struct Inside Struct Part 100:10:30
52 - Struct Inside Struct Part 200:13:35
53 - Struct and Function00:14:01
54 - Struct and Array00:14:54
55 - Finish Level 100:07:25
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: مبتدئ
- عدد المواد: 55
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 47
- آخر تحديث: 29/12/2022
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