1- introduction to data structure00:28:03
2- pointer00:25:00
3 - revision for array and pointer00:32:17
4 - revision for struct,array,prefix and postfix00:22:01
5 - revision for class and function00:17:04
6 - stack part 100:36:01
7 - stack part 200:41:03
8 - queue part 100:33:33
9 - queue part 200:29:00
10 - queue part 300:19:53
11-circular queue part 100:24:41
12-circular queue part 200:24:00
13-linked list part 100:20:13
14-linked list part 200:19:56
15-linked list part 300:18:37
16-linked list part 400:25:26
17 - introduction to Algorithms and data structures00:14:14
18 - tree part 1 (definitions)00:30:01
19 - tree part 200:26:01
20 - tree part 3(pre order)00:13:41
21 - tree part 4 (in and post order)00:25:01
22 - complete tree00:27:01
23 - big O notation00:33:28
24 - selection sort00:24:00
25 - Bubble sort00:27:01
26 - insertion sort00:23:58
27 - merge sort00:39:44
28 - heap sort00:35:01
29- Quick sort00:30:00
30 - revision for algorithms sort00:21:01
31 - linear search (unsorted)00:19:59
32- linear search (sorted)00:12:00
33- binary search00:37:57
34-binary tree part 1(search)00:19:59
35-binary tree part 2(insertion and deletion)00:23:01
36-revision algorithms00:18:59
37-AVL part 1 (balanced factor)00:16:02
38-AVL part 2 (balanced tree)00:34:47
39- example for AVL TREE هام جدا00:37:01
40-graph part 100:10:02
41-graph part 200:10:44
42-graph part 300:16:44
43-kruskal algorithms00:24:58
44-prim algorithms00:10:01
45-breadth first search (BFS)00:32:45
46-depth first search (DFS)00:13:59
47-uniform cost search (UCS)00:14:14
48- A* algorithms and finish course00:16:07
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: مبتدئ
- عدد المواد: 48
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 71
- آخر تحديث: 03/01/2023
قم بالتسجيل في الموقع والالتحاق بالدورة للحصول على شهادة إكمال الدورة
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يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة