1 - Start00:06:04
2 - Introduction00:28:01
3 - install compiler00:03:18
4 - First Program00:13:39
5 - Project in Visual Studio00:16:55
6 - Print Format - printf()00:28:27
7 - Data Types00:23:20
8 - sizeof00:13:21
9 - print min and max of data types00:23:09
10 - variable const comments00:34:40
11 - Arrays00:22:58
12 - multi dimensional arrays00:26:21
13 - data type conversion and casting00:17:55
14 - pointers00:36:08
15 - read from user scanf()00:17:54
16 - puts() gets() strcat() atoi() itoa()00:25:17
17 - operators arithmetic increments decrements assignment00:25:28
18 - operators compression logical00:28:40
19 - bit-wise operators00:34:07
20 - control structure - if statement00:23:32
21 - Control Structure - switch statement00:09:30
22 - Ternary Conditional operator00:20:19
23 - for loop00:28:31
24 - while loop - do while loop00:23:03
25 - Multiplication Table00:09:54
26 - Sum numbers program00:24:58
27 - Addition numbers in two arrays00:15:47
29 - Function void return parameters00:37:09
30 - Variadic function with infinity parameters argument00:34:16
31 - Sum and Avg function00:15:38
32 - calculator function00:15:54
33 - function by value and by reference00:08:56
34 - predefined macros predefined names00:08:04
35 - typedef string integer decimal00:12:16
36 - struct structure00:09:12
37 - struct with function00:05:56
38 - typedef with struct and function00:08:19
39 - pointer with struct arrow operator00:09:02
40 - date and time in c00:17:03
41 - date time 12 hour format c00:10:25
42 - date time formating c00:10:05
43 - custom date time with formating c00:07:02
44 - difftime different between time ans another time c00:10:05
45 - create delay c00:13:46
46 - timer with create clock second by second c00:13:37
47 - enum enumeration c00:11:38
48 - system function with color c00:07:51
49 - uninon c00:15:12
50 - struct vs union c00:10:05
51 - struct in union c00:10:35
52 - struct in struct nested struct c00:07:05
53 - struct Array c00:12:40
54 - Advanced Loops in c00:22:04
55 - goto statement in c00:23:12
56 - Preprocessor directives Macro in c00:23:09
57 - Preprocessor directives Macro in c00:13:30
58 - Preprocessor directives Macro in c00:11:45
59 - File fopen w w+ r r+ a a+ in c00:16:54
60 - File fopen Write Char by Char00:12:19
61 - File fopen Write String by String00:10:29
62 - File fopen Read Char by Char00:10:50
63 - File fopen Read String Line by Line00:16:05
64 - File fopen Read File Seek fseek00:10:19
65 - File fopen Append File Seek fseek00:12:14
66 - File fopen Write fprintf00:07:53
67 - File fopen Read fscanf00:08:35
68 - binary files fwrite fread fopen and rewind00:18:36
69 - struct in binary files fwrite00:17:22
70 - Read struct from binary files fread00:13:34
71 - wide character wchar t with wprintf00:19:28
72 - save utf8 file wide character wchar t with fwprintf00:11:15
73 - read utf8 file wide character wchar t with fwscanf00:10:47
74 - special key00:19:33
75 - intro for string00:20:09
76 - to lower to upper string00:08:07
77 - strcpy string copy00:08:37
78 - strcat concatenate string00:07:20
79 - strncat strncpy concatenate string copy00:07:20
80 - strcmp strncmp compare string Comparison of texts00:12:11
81 - string search strchr strrchr strstr strpbrk00:11:27
82 - string match strspn strcspn00:07:23
83 - checked validation char string isalnum isalpha etc00:19:48
84 - split string strtok in c00:14:50
85 - math h in c00:15:10
86 - random number rand srand in c00:27:33
87 - exit atexit abort in c00:11:31
88 - abs labs div ldiv atol in c00:05:07
89 - split statement in c00:08:22
90 - rename file remove file in c00:04:47
91 - file ftell feof files in c00:11:24
92 - clock CLOCKS PER SEC in c00:16:28
93 - Delay in c clock CLOCKS PER SEC in c00:14:39
94 - stopwatch clock in c00:12:49
95 - print anything in c00:05:52
96 - static keyword in c00:04:09
97 - global variable in c00:08:52
98 - extern variable from other c file in c00:06:38
99 - check os operating system in c00:08:58
100 - main argument in details in c00:13:08
معلومات الدورة
- المستوى: كل المستويات
- عدد المواد: 100
- اللغة: عربي
- عدد الطلاب: 7
- آخر تحديث: 15/01/2022
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يجب الالتحاق بالدورة لتتمكن من
التفاعل على مواد الدورة