علم الأدوية Drug Information
مقدمة لمهارات ومبادئ علم الأدوية Drug Information وأكثر المهارات شيوعًا التي يتم الحصول عليها
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27 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
مقدمة لمهارات ومبادئ علم الأدوية Drug Information وأكثر المهارات شيوعًا التي يتم الحصول عليها
محتوى الدورة
1. Introduction to Drug Information Science (DIS)00:10:28
2. History of Drug Information00:12:12
3. Importance of DIs00:04:01
4. Systematic Approach to answer DI question00:09:46
5. Modified Systematic Approach to answer DI question: Part one00:08:19
6. Modified Systematic Approach to answer DI question: Part two00:20:55
7. Modified Systematic Approach to answer DI question: Part Three00:18:57
8. DI resources: General & Primary Resources00:15:28
9. DI Resources, Secondary & Tertiary Resources00:11:57
10. The Internet as DI resource00:22:35
11. Introduction to clinical trials00:14:05
12. Clinical trials: Observational00:16:13
13. Component of evaluative studies00:15:07
14. Characteristics of descriptive reports00:13:35
15. Clinical trials: Interventional00:20:30
16. Terminology of clinical trials: part 00:23:05
17. Terminology of clinical trials: part 00:33:07
18. How to acquire evidence based response00:11:04
19. Applying Evidence based process: part 00:10:59
20. Applying Evidence based process: part 00:14:30
21. Medication Misadventure: Adverse Drug Reaction00:12:45
22. Medication Misadventure: Medication Errors00:14:08
23. Introduction to clinical practice guidelines00:10:06
24. Advantage of applying clinical practice guidelines00:12:08
25. Introduction to Journal Club00:12:58
26. Preparing and Presenting Journal club00:10:53
27. Introduction to biostatistics00:14:23
28. Terminology of biostatistics00:13:24
29. Type of biostatistical tests00:12:34
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