خرسانة مسلحة (2)
الخرسانة المسلحة Reinforced Concrete هي خرسانة عادية مضاف إليها الحديد ويسمى حديد التسليح، تتحمل الخرسانة قوى الضغط بشكل جيد جداً
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9 طلاب ملتحقين
عن الدورة
الخرسانة المسلحة Reinforced Concrete هي خرسانة عادية مضاف إليها الحديد ويسمى حديد التسليح، تتحمل الخرسانة قوى الضغط بشكل جيد جداً لكنها ضعيفة جداً أمام قوى الشد لذلك يضاف الفولاذ لقدرته على تحمل قوى الشد ونادراً ما يوضع الفولاذ للقيام بمقاومة قوى الضغط
محتوى الدورة
3. Definition00:04:39
4. Design of reinforced concrete eccentric long columns00:05:32
5. General Formulation00:04:54
6. (Long) Column Slenderness Ratio00:03:21
7. Ratio of moments at two column ends00:03:39
8. Interaction Diagram for Design of Columns00:05:26
9. Design of Long Columns Example00:04:37
10. Compute the k value for the braced compression members00:03:37
11. Compute the stiffness, EI00:02:09
12. Compute the coefficient, Cm00:01:55
13. Compute the design moment and As00:03:56
14. The Checks00:05:56
15. Compute the tension steel00:02:49
16. Design ties for the column00:03:04
17. Design Example00:05:47
18. Definition Introduction00:05:21
19. Stirrup Anchorage Requirements00:03:49
20. Design Procedure for Shear00:06:21
21. Location of Maximum Shear for Beam Design00:02:54
22. Examples00:02:33
23. Design of Beam B100:08:25
24. Details of RFT. for Beams B1 Using imperial method00:04:34
25. Design of Beam B200:12:16
26. Details of RFT. for Beams B2 Using imperial method00:05:56
27. Introduction00:07:58
28. Procedure for design of Portal frames00:02:45
29. Design Example00:03:20
30. Design of slab00:04:55
31. Preliminary design of beams and columns00:02:21
32. Analysis of Frame00:04:44
33. Design of Tsection00:03:02
34. Design of Rectangular beam00:03:46
35. Check for Shear00:03:06
36. Example00:06:57
37. Reinforcement Details00:04:28
38. Floor Slab System00:04:36
39. Comparison of Oneway and Twoway slab behavior00:08:36
40. Static Equilibrium of TwoWay Slabs00:03:02
41. General Design Concepts00:03:26
42. (Equivalent Frame Method (EFM00:03:23
43. Method of Analysis00:03:00
44. Minimum Slab Thickness for twoway construction00:04:43
45. Definition of BeamtoSlab Stiffness Ratio00:04:45
46. Shear Strength of Slabs00:09:48
47. Direct Design Method for Twoway Slab00:03:45
48. Basic Steps in Twoway Slab Design00:04:56
49. Minimum Slab Thickness for twoway construction00:04:26
50. Distribution of Moments00:03:14
51. Column Strips and Middle Strips00:06:27
52. Factored Moment in Column Strip00:07:48
53. Deflection Control00:02:39
54. Allowable Deflections00:03:29
55. Moment of Inertia for Deflection Calculation00:02:54
56. Moment Vs curvature plot00:04:33
57. Deflection Response of RC Beams (Flexure)00:03:30
58. Cracked and Uncracked Transformed Section00:05:06
59. Calculate the Deflections00:04:00
60. Sustained Load Deflections00:03:49
61. Example00:05:18
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