هندسة الأساسات (2)
هندسة الأساسات Foundations Engineering تجمع بين عدة تخصّصات مثل ميكانيكا التربة المتعلقة بطبقات التربة وسلوكها وخصائصها
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عن الدورة
هندسة الأساسات Foundations Engineering تجمع بين عدة تخصّصات مثل ميكانيكا التربة المتعلقة بطبقات التربة وسلوكها وخصائصها، ومقاومة المواد المتعلقة بالقوى المؤثرة على العناصر الإنشائية والإجهادات الناتجة عن ذلك كالعزم وقوى القص، وأعمال الحصر المتعلقة بكميات الحفر والردم وأحجام الخرسانة وقضبان التسليح وما شابه، وأعمال الصيانة المتعلقة بحماية الخرسانة من التشققات والشروخ والمواد الكيميائية الضارة، فهذا الجانب التخصّصي يجمع بين عدة علوم كالرياضيات والميكانيكا والكيمياء والإدارة
محتوى الدورة
5. Isolated Footing subjected to one direction moment - 100:03:08
6. Isolated Footing subjected to one direction moment - 200:03:43
7. Isolated Footing subjected to one direction moment - 300:05:40
8. Isolated Footing subjected to one direction moment - 400:04:45
9. Isolated Footing subjected to one direction moment - 500:03:45
10. Isolated Footing subjected to one direction moment - 600:03:56
11. Isolated Footing subjected to reversible moment - 100:02:16
12. Isolated Footing subjected to reversible moment - 200:07:27
13. Isolated Footing subjected to reversible moment - 300:03:54
14. Isolated Footing subjected to reversible moment - 400:04:33
15. Isolated Footing subjected to reversible moment - 500:03:33
16. Isolated Footing subjected to reversible moment - 600:02:45
17. Isolated Footing subjected to biaxial moment - 100:01:50
18. Isolated Footing subjected to biaxial moment - 200:03:38
19. Isolated Footing subjected to biaxial moment - 300:04:49
20. Isolated Footing subjected to biaxial moment - 400:01:41
21. Isolated Footing subjected to biaxial moment - 500:03:16
22. Isolated Footing subjected to biaxial moment - 600:03:03
23. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 100:02:11
24. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 200:02:36
25. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 300:04:52
26. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 400:03:53
27. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 500:02:59
28. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 600:02:02
29. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 700:01:55
30. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 800:03:09
31. Combined Footing subjected to moment - 900:04:01
32. DEFINITION00:03:01
33. Design of Strip footing with beam steps - 100:04:30
34. Design of Strip footing with beam steps - 200:02:16
35. Design of Strip footing with beam steps - 300:02:09
36. Design of Strip footing with beam steps - 400:05:44
37. Design of Strip footing with beam steps - 500:02:28
38. Definition00:03:36
39. Types of Raft foundation00:07:10
40. Methods of Design00:01:53
41. Design of Raft Foundation steps - 100:02:21
42. Design of Raft Foundation steps - 200:02:29
43. Design of Raft Foundation steps - 300:02:23
44. Design of Raft Foundation steps - 400:02:09
45. Design of Raft Foundation steps - 500:02:44
46. Design of Raft Foundation steps - 600:02:44
47. DEFINITION00:07:23
48. Types of piles - 100:07:33
49. Types of piles - 200:12:32
50. Bearing capacity of piles - 100:08:20
51. Bearing capacity of piles - 200:04:35
52. Block Failure00:03:31
53. Design of piles cap - 100:03:41
54. Design of piles cap - 200:04:05
55. Settlement of piles - 100:03:48
56. Settlement of piles - 200:03:58
57. Retaining Walls - Applications00:02:34
58. Retaining Walls - Types00:05:53
59. Factors and considerations in the retaining walls design00:05:05
60. Lateral Earth Pressure00:05:02
61. At Rest Earth Pressure00:05:09
62. Active Earth Pressure - 100:07:59
63. Active Earth Pressure - 200:02:03
64. Passive Earth Pressure00:07:29
65. Examples00:04:05
67. Stability of Retaining Wall - 100:04:05
68. Stability of Retaining Wall - 200:06:17
69. Stability of Retaining Wall - 300:02:42
70. Shear failure00:02:22
71. Design of Retaining Wall - 100:03:51
72. Design of Retaining Wall - 200:03:27
73. Design of Retaining Wall - 300:01:59
74. DRAINAGE in Retaining Wall00:02:49
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