ميكانيكا هندسية
علم الديناميكا أحد أهم العلوم الأساسية لأغلب التخصصات الهندسية ويعتبر هو حجر الزاوية لدراسة الكثير من المواد التخصصية
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11 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
علم الديناميكا أحد أهم العلوم الأساسية لأغلب التخصصات الهندسية ويعتبر هو حجر الزاوية لدراسة الكثير من المواد التخصصية مثل الديناميكا الحرارية وميكانيكا الموائع والاهتزازات ..... إلخ و علم الديناميكا هو علم دراسة الحركة وينقسم إلى كينماتيكا وكيناتيكا وهما علمي دراسة هندسة الحركة وأسباب ونواتج الحركة على الترتيب
محتوى الدورة
8. Equivalent forces and the external and internal Forces00:05:03
9. Moment of a Force00:05:47
10. Varignon’s Theorem00:04:59
11. Moment of a Couple00:05:00
12. Forces equivalent to Force and Couple00:06:16
13. Forces equivalent to Force and Couple00:05:19
14. Sample Problems - 100:18:59
15. Sample Problems - 200:09:51
16. Static equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions00:05:21
17. Various Supports of rigid bodies in two dimensions - 100:06:03
18. Various Supports of rigid bodies in two dimensions - 200:04:46
19. Statically Indeterminate Reactions of rigid bodies in two dimensions00:04:41
20. Static equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions00:03:02
21. Static equilibrium of rigid bodies in three dimensions00:04:59
22. Sample Problems - 100:13:12
23. Sample Problems - 200:10:48
24. Centre of Gravity and Centroid of rigid bodies in two dimensions00:03:37
25. Centre of Gravity and Centroid of rigid bodies00:05:12
26. Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus of rigid bodies - 100:05:06
27. Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus of rigid bodies - 200:05:36
28. Distributed Loads on Beams00:03:37
29. Centre of Gravity and Centroid of rigid bodies in three dimensions00:03:29
30. Sample Problems - 100:14:03
31. Sample Problems - 200:17:17
32. Structural Analysis – Truss and Internal Forces00:07:39
33. Structural Analysis – Frames and Internal Forces00:06:55
34. Structural Analysis – Machines and Internal Forces00:04:59
35. Various Types of Beam Loading and Support - 100:06:01
36. Various Types of Beam Loading and Support - 200:08:46
37. Shear, and Bending Moment00:08:04
38. Analysis of Structures and Forces in Beams - 100:16:09
39. Analysis of Structures and Forces in Beams - 200:31:54
46. Moment of Inertia of an Area by Integration - 100:04:32
47. Moment of Inertia of an Area by Integration - 200:03:18
48. Polar Moment of Inertia , Product of Inertia00:04:31
49. Radius of Gyration of an Area00:05:05
50. Moment of Inertia of a Mass00:07:14
51. Moment of Inertia of a Mass about parallel centroidal axis00:03:19
52. Sample Problems - 100:08:26
53. Sample Problems - 200:04:08
54. The kinematics of motion and the interrelationship - 100:04:58
55. The kinematics of motion and the interrelationship - 200:07:30
56. The kinematics of motion and the interrelationship - 300:03:31
57. The kinematics of motion and the interrelationship - 400:05:08
58. The kinematics of motion and the interrelationship - 500:06:01
59. Rotation motion00:07:38
60. Sample Problems - 100:07:16
61. Sample Problems - 200:05:30
68. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies00:04:39
69. Velocity and Acceleration in Plane Motion00:04:29
70. Principle of Work & Energy - 100:04:47
71. Principle of Work & Energy - 200:05:46
72. Conservation of Energy00:04:44
73. Concepts and solve problems00:04:49
74. Sample Problems - 100:12:45
75. Sample Problems - 200:06:36
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