التحكم الآلي
يعتبر التحكم الآلي Automatic Control مادة مهمة جداً في تكوين المهندس بصفة عامة وبصفة أخص مهندس الكهرباء
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18 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
يعتبر التحكم الآلي Automatic Control مادة مهمة جداً في تكوين المهندس بصفة عامة وبصفة أخص مهندس الكهرباء لما للمادة من أهمية وعلاقة مباشرة سواء بالحياة المهنية للمهندس أو مواصلة الدراسات العليا للمهندس سواءً ماجستير أو دكتوراه
محتوى الدورة
Definition of Laplace transform00:03:17
Basic Knowledge00:04:41
Laplace transform theorem00:04:03
Laplace transform of basics function - 100:04:06
Laplace transform of basics function - 200:04:38
Laplace transform of basics function - 300:03:58
Laplace transform of basics function - 400:03:39
Laplace transform properties - 100:03:43
Laplace transform properties - 200:04:52
Laplace transform properties - 300:05:23
Laplace transform properties - 400:03:32
Partial fraction technique - 100:05:25
Partial fraction technique - 200:07:48
Introduction to Block diagram reduction technique - 100:04:22
Introduction to Block diagram reduction technique - 200:05:04
Block diagrams example00:04:28
Basic reduction techniques - 100:05:19
Basic reduction techniques - 200:05:47
Basic reduction techniques - 300:03:37
Reduction blocks - 100:03:06
Reduction blocks - 200:03:40
Reduction blocks - 300:03:49
Reduction blocks - 400:04:19
Reduction blocks - 500:04:53
Reduction blocks - 600:06:04
Reduction blocks - 700:05:18
Signal flow graph - 100:04:36
Signal flow graph - 200:05:03
Signal flow graph - 300:06:13
Mason Rule and Signal flow graph - 300:04:08
Example - 1 on Mason Rule00:10:46
Example - 2 on Mason Rule00:08:32
Introduction to Time domain Analysis00:04:11
Used signals for testing feedback control system - 100:03:22
Used signals for testing feedback control system - 200:02:46
Time response of a dynamic system00:03:58
First order system introduction00:04:38
Impulse response of a first order system00:04:04
Step response of a first order system00:04:54
Time response of a first order system: Plot00:05:03
Time response of a first order system: Variation00:03:49
Example 1: Impulse response of a first order system00:07:20
Ramp response of a first order system00:04:33
First order system with delay00:03:10
Practical determination of a transfer function of a first order system00:03:26
Example of a first order system00:05:45
Time domain Analysis of a second order system - 100:03:40
Example 1 on a second order system00:03:00
Time domain Analysis of a second order system - 200:06:07
Under damped system: most useful case00:04:43
Parameters determination of a second order system from figure00:05:37
Step response of under damped system00:06:55
Introduction to stability of feedback control system00:06:49
Routh stability criterion00:04:20
Examples on Routh criterion00:03:04
How to apply the test: Routh Table00:07:18
How to apply the test via example1: Routh Table00:06:48
How to apply the test via example2 (variable gain): Routh Table00:05:06
Routh Hurwitz Criterion: special case - 100:06:13
Routh Hurwitz Criterion: special case - 200:06:09
Root locus method - 100:07:31
Root locus method - 200:06:33
Root locus method - 300:04:27
Root locus method - 400:05:45
Time domain vs frequency domain00:04:27
Frequency response: first order process00:05:08
Bode- Nequist Diagram00:04:36
Bode diagram: Example - 100:07:12
Bode plot of a low pass filter00:06:37
Asymptote behaviour of phase for law and high frequency00:04:01
Bode plot: exercise - 100:02:58
Bode plot: exercise - 200:03:31
Bode plot of a low pass filter00:04:34
Bode plot: exercise 2 and 300:04:12
Computer generated Bode plot00:06:44
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