الهندسة الكهربائية (1)
ستتعرف في هذا المساق إلى جزئين رئيسيين وهما التيار المستمر DC Circuits والتيار المتردد AC Circuits
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30 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
ستتعرف في هذا المساق إلى جزئين رئيسيين وهما التيار المستمر DC Circuits والتيار المتردد AC Circuits
محتوى الدورة
8. Chapter Objectives00:03:55
9. Electrical Resistance (Ohm00:03:44
10. Applications of Ohm00:07:17
11. Power dissipated by a resistor00:07:23
12. Calculating Voltage, Current, and Power00:09:42
13. BRANCHES and NODES00:07:13
14. Examples of BRANCHES and NODES00:09:34
15. LOOPS and MESHES00:06:34
16. Examples of LOOPS and MESHES00:06:00
17. Kirchhoff’s Current Law00:06:46
18. Examples of Kirchhoff’s Current Law00:08:29
19. Kirchhoff00:06:30
20. Examples of Kirchhoff00:14:17
21. Series Resistors and Voltage Division00:07:16
22. Examples of Series Resistors and Voltage Division00:06:41
23. Parallel Resistors and Current Division00:07:27
24. Examples of Parallel Resistors and Current Division00:06:21
25. Simple Resistive Circuits00:13:46
26. Chapter Objectives00:02:40
27. Node-voltage method00:10:17
28. Concept of Supernode00:07:06
29. Examples of node-voltage method to solve a circuit00:07:25
30. Mesh-current method00:12:48
31. Mesh Analysis With Current Sources00:06:53
32. Examples of mesh-current method and supermesh to solve circuit00:07:44
33. Source Transformations00:10:12
34. Examples of Source Transformations00:05:39
35. Thevenin Equivalent00:06:17
36. Solve circuits using Thevenin method00:08:35
37. Examples of Thevenin Equivalent00:08:06
38. Maximum Power Transfer00:09:03
39. Superposition Principle00:11:54
40. Examples of Superposition Principle00:11:07
46. The inductor v - i equation00:07:05
47. Examples of v - i equation in an inductor00:06:00
48. The inductor i - v equation00:05:04
49. Power in the inductor, and Energy Stored by an inductor00:07:20
50. Determining the Current, Voltage, Power, and Energy00:07:10
51. Series and Parallel Inductors00:05:19
52. General Equations for inductor00:08:05
53. Capacitors and current-voltage relationship of the capacitor00:06:46
54. Capacitor Power and Energy Equation00:04:50
55. Series and Parallel Capacitors00:05:09
56. Determining Current,Voltage,Power,and Energy for a Capacitor00:05:39
72. Instantaneous power00:07:48
73. L2 |Average Power for Purely Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive00:07:11
74. Examples of Average Power00:07:39
75. Effective or RMS value00:07:32
76. Apparent Power and Power factor00:07:47
77. Examples of Apparent Power and Power factor00:10:44
78. Complex Power and power triangle00:10:39
79. Examples of complex power00:19:06
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