تثبيت التربة
تثبيت التربة Soil Stabilization هو المعالجة الكيميائية أو الميكانيكية المصممة لزيادة استقرار كتلة التربة أو الحفاظ عليها
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14 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
تثبيت التربة Soil Stabilization هو المعالجة الكيميائية أو الميكانيكية المصممة لزيادة استقرار كتلة التربة أو الحفاظ عليها، أو تحسين خواصها الهندسية وزيادة قوتها وتقليل قابليتها للانضغاط أو تقليل ميلها لامتصاص الماء، وتتضمن طرق التثبيت الدك الفيزيائي والمعالجة بالأسمنت والحجر الجيري والبيتومين
محتوى الدورة
11. Water in soil00:06:02
12. Surface tension00:07:13
13. Capillarity00:07:21
14. Flow in tubes00:09:51
15. Flow through soil00:06:59
16. Darcy00:05:33
17. Coefficient of Permeability00:08:09
18. How to determine Coefficient of Permeability - 100:05:28
19. How to determine Coefficient of Permeability - 200:04:58
20. Aquifer Formations00:06:08
21. Pumping out test for confined aquifer00:03:42
22. Equivalent Permeability for layered soil00:09:57
23. Concept of effective stress00:07:26
24. How do you calculate effective stresses (case of seepage) - 100:04:45
25. How do you calculate effective stresses (case of seepage) - 200:07:12
26. Critical Hydraulic Gradient (case of seepage)00:03:36
27. Shear strength00:07:02
28. Shear box test00:05:21
29. Triaxial test - 100:07:21
30. Triaxial test - 200:03:59
31. example on shear strength00:04:28
32. Example on shear strength of soil - 100:03:39
33. Example on shear strength of soil - 200:04:11
34. Example on shear strength of soil - 300:05:12
35. Consolidation of soil00:04:49
36. Consolidation test00:06:15
37. Example on Consolidation test - 100:07:57
38. Example on Consolidation test - 200:04:57
39. The main functions of reinforced soil00:03:16
40. Steps of soil reinforcement design - 100:09:21
41. Steps of soil reinforcement design - 200:08:10
42. Example on soil reinforcement design - 100:04:58
43. Example on soil reinforcement design - 200:08:07
44. Example on soil reinforcement design - 300:05:31
45. Definition of slope00:05:59
46. Typical modes of slope failure00:04:09
47. Rotational Failure Surface00:05:34
48. Rotational Failure Surface example00:10:14
49. Method of Slices - 100:05:00
50. Method of Slices - 200:05:26
51. Method of Slices example - 100:04:15
52. Method of Slices example - 200:06:41
53. Soil stabilization meaning00:07:57
54. Methods of SURFACE STABILISATION00:04:24
55. Factors Affecting Mechanical Stabilization00:06:33
57. Factors affecting soil cement stabilization00:04:51
58. Lime STABILISATION00:06:32
59. Estimation percentage of Lime00:06:36
60. Chemical & Physical Changes in Lime Stabilization00:05:54
61. Soil- Bituminous Stabilization00:05:11
62. Factors affecting soil Bituminous stabilization00:07:04
63. Chemical STABILISATION00:04:19
64. Types of chemical STABILISATION00:12:01
65. Ground improvement: PRE LOADING00:07:13
66. Ground improvement: DEEP COMPACTION00:07:54
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