علم المواد (2)
علم المواد Materials Science هو حقل متعدد التخصصات يتضمن خواص المادة وتطبيقاتها في مختلف ساحات العلم و الهندسة
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عن الدورة
علم المواد Materials Science هو حقل متعدد التخصصات يتضمن خواص المادة وتطبيقاتها في مختلف ساحات العلم و الهندسة، وهذا العلم يبحث العلاقة بين بنية المواد وخصائصها، لذلك فهو يضم عناصر من الفيزياء التطبيقية والكيمياء, وكذلك الهندسة الكيميائية, الميكانيكية, المدنية والكهربائية
محتوى الدورة
Course contents - Part 100:02:36
Course contents - Part 200:03:12
Course contents - Part 300:03:12
Course contents - Part 400:03:56
Introduction to engineering materials00:04:53
Classifications of materials based on Natural of material00:03:20
Classifications of materials based on Crystal structure00:05:34
Classification of Polymers00:04:04
Addition polymerization and Unsaturated bond00:02:56
Functionality, Condensation polymerization00:02:10
Typical Thermoplastics examples00:02:14
Effect of Temperature on structure of Thermoplastics00:04:11
mechanical properties of thermoplastic00:01:55
Thermosetting Polymers and Properties00:02:13
Applications of thermosetting and adhesives00:03:07
Polymer Processing00:03:07
Processing of thermoplastic00:02:26
Injection molding and thermoforming00:02:31
Calendaring and spinning method00:02:40
Processing of thermosetting00:01:48
Chapter contents00:03:09
Definition of composite material00:01:53
Classification of composite material, Metal matrix composites00:03:30
Classification of composite material00:02:40
Type of reinforcement and Methods of treatment00:03:00
Processing of metal matrix composite, Liquid state, Stir casting00:05:43
Advantage and Disadvantage of stir casting method00:02:14
Processing of metal matrix composite, Liquid state, Squeeze casting00:02:53
Advantage and Disadvantage of Squeeze casting method00:04:36
Processing of metal matrix composite, Liquid state00:02:44
Processing of metal matrix composite00:03:36
Processing of metal matrix composite, Gas state, CVD, PVD00:05:38
Applications of CVD, PVD Process00:05:19
Properties of metal matrix composite and Applications of composite00:06:01
Advantage and Disadvantages of composite material00:05:12
Chapter contents00:02:42
Definition of powder metallurgy process00:01:07
Layout of powder metallurgy process00:04:11
Advantage of powder metallurgy process - 100:04:25
Advantage of powder metallurgy process - 200:02:40
Disadvantage of powder metallurgy process00:03:03
Manufactures of powder - 100:01:59
Manufactures of powder - 200:03:49
Testing and evaluation of powder00:04:42
Blending and its importance00:02:57
Processing of powder - 100:03:08
Processing of powder - 200:03:38
Processing of powder - 300:02:55
Processing of powder - 400:02:08
Factors effecting of the final product of powder metallurgy process00:04:11
Chapter contents00:01:44
Applications of ceramic material in different felid - 100:04:41
Applications of ceramic material in different felid - 200:03:56
Properties of Ceramics00:03:21
Properties of advanced Ceramics00:02:56
Processing ceramic material - 100:02:37
Processing ceramic material - 200:02:42
Processing ceramic material - 300:02:48
Processing ceramic material - 400:01:43
Processing ceramic material - 500:02:22
Chapter contents00:01:41
Chemical Corrosion and Types of special chemical corrosion00:02:56
Electrochemical Corrosion and Electrochemical cell00:03:19
Reactions inside Electrochemical cell00:02:29
Types of Electrochemical Corrosion - 100:04:41
Types of Electrochemical Corrosion - 200:02:04
Types of Electrochemical Corrosion - 300:02:00
Protection against Electrochemical Corrosion00:03:57
Types of wear00:04:15
Types of erosion00:02:54
Chapter contents00:03:29
Designation of Aluminum alloys00:03:48
Temper designation of Al-alloys00:02:29
Properties and applications of typical Al-alloys00:04:15
Heat treatment of non-ferrous alloys00:05:16
Magnesium and Beryllium Alloys00:01:37
Properties of typical Mg-alloys00:02:34
Copper Alloys00:02:12
Properties of typical Cu-alloys00:03:19
Nickel and Cobalt Alloys00:01:55
Composition, properties and applications of Ni and Co alloys00:03:30
Titanium Alloys00:02:30
Properties of Ti alloys00:02:14
Refractory and Precious Metals00:03:24
Chapter contents00:03:23
Definition of structures00:03:00
Definition of structures, Austenite00:01:47
Definition of structures, Ferrite00:01:49
Definition of structures, Pearlite00:02:05
Definition of structures, Cementite00:03:17
Iron-iron carbide phase diagram, reactions00:02:34
Classifications of ferrous alloys - 100:02:00
Classifications of ferrous alloys - 200:01:30
Classifications of ferrous alloys - 300:07:19
Simple Heat Treatments00:04:56
Isothermal Heat Treatments00:03:42
Applications of steel alloys00:01:49
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