هندسة البرمجيات
هندسة البرمجيات Software Engineering المجال الذي يهتم بتطوير، وتصميم البرمجيات، عالية الجودة آخذة بعين الاعتبار تخصيصات المستخدم
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30 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
هندسة البرمجيات Software Engineering المجال الذي يهتم بتطوير، وتصميم البرمجيات، عالية الجودة آخذة بعين الاعتبار تخصيصات المستخدم، ومتطلباته على جميع المستويات. تهتم هندسة البرمجيات بتكوين البرنامج منذ مراحله الأولى أثناء تحليل المشكلة، ومن ثم التصميم، وكتابة البرنامج حتى القيام بتجريبه، واختباره، وتنصيبه على الأجهزة، والقيام بعملية صيانته
محتوى الدورة
Topics covered00:03:28
Software costs00:03:08
Software products00:04:24
Importance of software engineering00:05:00
Software engineering diversity00:04:20
Software engineering and the web00:03:09
Application types00:03:08
Issues of professional responsibility00:04:01
Case studies00:06:25
Activity model of the insulin pump00:04:11
A patient information system for mental health care00:05:30
The organization of the MHC-PMS00:04:09
Topics covered00:05:24
Plan-driven and agile processes00:04:37
The waterfall model00:04:34
Incremental development00:04:35
Reuse-oriented software engineering00:03:00
Software specification00:04:13
Software design and implementation00:05:30
Software validation00:03:48
Testing stages00:04:02
Software evolution00:03:34
Coping with Change00:05:07
Topics covered00:04:53
Agile method applicability00:05:59
Plan-driven and agile development00:04:37
Extreme programming00:04:31
Requirements scenarios00:04:40
A ‘suggesting medicine’ story00:04:56
Testing in XP00:04:34
Customer involvement00:05:26
XP testing difficulties00:04:21
Pair programming00:04:26
Topics covered00:02:43
What is a requirement?00:05:39
User and system requirements00:07:07
Functional and non-functional requirements00:03:58
Functional requirements00:05:00
Non-functional requirements00:03:55
Non-functional classifications00:04:50
Goals and requirements00:04:35
Domain requirements00:05:00
Agile methods and requirements00:04:40
Requirements specification00:04:01
Natural language specification00:03:18
Topics covered00:04:16
UML diagram types00:03:54
Context models00:03:23
Interaction models00:03:30
Use case modeling00:03:55
Sequence diagrams00:06:25
Structural models00:03:26
Class diagrams00:04:16
Classes and associations in the MHC-PMS00:04:07
Object class aggregation models00:03:18
Behavioral models00:03:07
State machine models00:06:35
Topics covered00:04:05
Inspections and testing00:04:23
A model of the software testing process00:05:00
General testing guidelines00:04:27
Development testing00:05:56
Component testing00:05:00
System testing00:04:31
Test-driven development00:04:53
Release testing00:04:27
Types of user testing00:04:07
Topics covered00:04:21
Importance of evolution00:04:37
Evolution and servicing00:04:34
Evolution processes00:05:02
Urgent change requests00:03:59
Software maintenance00:04:16
Maintenance costs00:06:37
Maintenance prediction00:06:45
System re-engineering00:04:41
The reengineering process00:05:29
Reengineering approaches00:06:02
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