تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الأندرويد من الصفر إلى الاحتراف
تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الأندرويد بلغة الجافا Java باستخدام أندرويد ستديو Android Studio من الصفر إلى الاحتراف
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136 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
تعلم برمجة تطبيقات الأندرويد بلغة الجافا Java باستخدام أندرويد ستديو Android Studio من الصفر إلى الاحتراف
محتوى الدورة
1 Android Studio Java Developer00:03:42
2 Android Studio Java Developer00:07:07
3 Install Android Studio on Windows00:09:45
4 Setup Android Studio on Windows00:06:36
5 SDK Tools Android Studio on Windows00:05:40
6 Install Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux00:07:49
7 SDK Tools Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux00:03:14
8 SDK Tools Android Studio on Fedora Linux00:06:01
9 SDK Tools Android Studio on Fedora Linux00:03:26
10 Install & SDK Tools setup Android Studio on Mac OSX00:06:50
11 IDE Android Studio Integrated Development Environment00:05:07
12 Android Emulator or AVD Android Virtual Device00:10:00
13 An Overview of the Android Architecture00:08:43
14 Android API Levels and impact on projects00:11:32
15 Android Studio project structure00:07:47
16 Android Studio project files & structure00:08:39
17 Android Profiler tools provide real time data about CPU, memory, network, and battery resources00:05:39
18 IDE UI Android Studio00:12:56
19 User interface UI design Android Studio00:11:15
20 Android R java file00:09:51
21 User interface UI design Android Studio00:12:45
22 Android String XML & String array resource00:06:28
23 Android Java Class & XML View00:06:01
24 Android Java setOnClickListener00:03:09
25 Android Java first project00:23:20
26 Android Java TextUtils00:05:36
27 Android Java Text methods00:04:02
28 Android Studio Image View00:05:28
29 Android Studio Radio Button00:13:13
30 Android Studio Radio Button00:20:15
31 Android Studio Toggle Button00:12:02
32 Android Studio Switch Button00:08:46
33 Android Studio CheckBox00:10:19
34 Android Studio CheckBox00:11:45
35 Android Studio RatingBar00:11:48
36 Android Studio Toast with Java00:04:47
37 Android Studio Calendar with Java00:11:54
38 Android Studio AlertDialog with Java00:12:53
39 Android Studio AlertDialog with Java00:04:21
40 Android Studio using getResources Method00:03:53
41 Android Sudio Colors XML00:08:40
42 Android Sudio Scroll view00:07:29
43 Android Sudio Theme & Style XML00:10:34
44 Android Sudio Theme & Style XML00:12:41
45 Android Sudio Fonts & Style XML00:06:48
46 Android Sudio create a project00:10:23
47 Android Sudio Edit text , Text View & Button00:14:09
48 Android Sudio Anonymous variable in Java00:09:23
49 Android Sudio Activity lifecycle concepts00:08:03
50 Android Activity lifecycle callbacks onCreate , onResume , onPause , onStop, onDestroy00:07:58
51 Android Moving from one activity to another Activity00:17:11
52 Android Transfer data from one activity to another00:18:37
53 Android Activity Intent & Bundle00:14:45
54 Android Activity Intent & Bundle00:10:21
55 Android Activity Intent & Bundle00:08:25
56 Android Activity Intent & Bundle00:12:43
57 Android vertical horizontal Auto layout00:04:12
58 Android Studio RecyclerView00:16:00
59 Android Studio MVC Architecture Model View Controller00:06:03
60 Android Studio RecyclerView00:25:55
61 Android Studio RecyclerView XML00:06:55
62 Android Studio RecyclerView XML00:04:37
63 Android Studio RecyclerView & Model00:07:11
64 Android Studio RecyclerView & OnClickListener00:05:56
65 Android Studio RecyclerView & Intent with Bundle00:15:17
66 Android Studio Movie data project00:12:39
67 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView Adapter00:15:49
68 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView & Model00:14:26
69 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView & Image00:13:59
70 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView & setImageResource00:08:54
71 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView & setOnClickListener00:06:41
72 Android Studio Movie project RecyclerView & setOnClickListener00:12:37
73 Android Studio Storage SharedPreferences00:16:00
74 Android Studio Storage Store text file00:13:12
75 Android Studio Storage Read & Write text file00:05:58
76 Android Studio Storage SQLite database00:09:52
77 Android Studio Storage SQLite database00:15:38
78 Android Studio Storage SQLite database helper00:11:08
79 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD insert data00:05:43
80 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Get data00:10:37
81 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Get all data00:07:53
82 Android Studio Storage SQLite & Model00:11:31
83 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Update data00:10:35
84 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD Delete data00:08:20
85 Android Studio Storage SQLite CRUD get num data00:05:14
86 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView project00:13:59
87 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView CRUD insert data00:07:01
88 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView CRUD search data00:16:32
89 Android Studio SQLite with RecyclerView UI XML00:20:29
90 Android Studio SQLite & RecyclerView Adapter00:20:19
91 Android Studio SQLite & insert Activity00:12:06
92 Android Studio SQLite & edit Activity00:11:47
93 Android Studio SQLite & RecyclerView Adapter00:07:15
94 Android Studio SQLite & RecyclerView Debug00:16:17
95 Android Studio Phone Call00:08:50
96 Android Studio Phone Call00:20:04
97 Android Studio SMS manager00:12:41
98 Android Studio Monetize your app ads AdMob by Google00:06:35
99 Android Studio Monetize your app AdMob ads payment00:05:49
100 Android Receiving Payments From Google Adsense , Payoneer or IBAN number from bank account wir00:05:13
101 Android Studio connect real device and show with Vysor00:06:52
102 Android Studio Monetize your app ads AdMob on mobile00:12:29
103 Android Studio debugging Java, Kotlin, and C:C++ code00:05:22
104 Android Studio generator & create icon launcher00:11:48
105 Android Studio Java or Kotlin create debug apk00:04:26
106 Android Studio Java or Kotlin create release signed apk00:09:10
107 Android Studio and Real device Java or Kotlin00:09:09
108 Android Studio and minSdkVersion , targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion00:08:13
109 Android Studio and minSdkVersion , targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion00:06:26
110 Android artificial intelligence tensorflow machine learning00:06:32
111 Android Artificial intelligence machine learning00:22:30
112 Android TensorFlow image classification using the device camera00:06:27
113 Android ML Kit For Firebase | Machine Learning Toolkit00:06:26
114 Android Create custom image classification models from your own training data with AutoML Visi00:10:02
115 Android Create custom image classification models from your own training data with AutoML Visi00:04:18
116 Android Create custom image classification models from your own training data with AutoML Visi00:09:59
117 Android Developer Java or Kotlin publish your application in google play store00:02:17
118 Android Developer where to Go00:04:36
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