تعلم أساسيات لارافيل Laravel 9
تعد هذه الدورة كمدخل شامل لتعلم أساسيات إطار العمل Laravel وذلك لكونها تشمل الخصائص والمميزات البرمجية للتطوير باستعمال إطار عمل لارافل Laravel
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35 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
تعد هذه الدورة كمدخل شامل لتعلم أساسيات إطار العمل Laravel وذلك لكونها تشمل الخصائص والمميزات البرمجية للتطوير باستعمال إطار عمل لارافل Laravel
محتوى الدورة
1. introduction to the course00:16:58
2. installation tools for course00:12:50
3. installation first project laravel00:13:06
4. browse project files00:14:14
5. basics routes00:22:04
6. Routing Request Functions00:10:23
7. Routing With Parameters00:12:17
8. Introduction to Blade System00:20:04
9. template Inheritance00:26:17
10. introduction to Controllers00:12:00
11. Create First Controller00:18:30
12. Create Resource Controller00:09:19
13. Routing Using Except and Only00:08:00
14. Create invoke Controller00:10:56
15. Construct in Controller00:05:05
16. Introduction to Migrations00:08:41
17. Create First Migration00:12:02
18. Create First Table00:15:39
19. Migration Commands Rollback, Fresh, Refresh00:12:11
20. Migration Command Add Column00:11:11
21. Create Foreign Keys Using Migrations00:09:36
22. Introduction Query builder00:04:05
23. Create Post Controller & Table00:13:37
24. Insert Data With Query builder00:13:14
25. Get Data With Query builder00:13:33
26. Show Data To Update With Query builder00:13:23
27. Update Data With Query builder00:15:29
28. Delete Data With Query builder00:06:14
29. Delete All Data With Query builder00:06:55
30. Delete All Data By Truncate With Query builder00:07:27
31. Introduction to Eloquent ORM00:08:51
32. Create FirstModel & Create Tabel Migrations00:17:55
33. Table Names & Primary Keys & Incrementing False & Timestamps False00:11:21
34. ()Insert Data Using Models Save00:17:24
35. Insert Data Using Models Create00:15:23
36. Select Data Using Model All&Get00:09:12
37. Edit Data Using Models FindOrFail00:13:12
38. Update Data Using Models00:11:20
39. Delete Data Using Models00:06:04
40. SoftDelete Data Using Models00:06:41
41. Get Data SoftDelete Using Models00:09:17
42. Restore Data Using Models00:08:48
43. ForceDelete Data Using Models00:05:54
44. Query Scopes Using Models00:10:21
45. Review Eloquent00:02:59
46. Validation In Controller00:17:34
47. Form Request Validation00:15:49
48. One To One Relationship00:24:08
49. One To Many Relationship00:23:40
50. Many To Many Relationship00:23:52
51. Accessor function00:12:58
52. Mutator functions00:10:51
53. Authentication-Ui00:15:47
54. Authentication-Breeze00:09:21
55. Authentication-Jetstream00:23:08
56. Create First Middleware00:10:13
57. Check User Status With Middleware00:13:27
58. Create First Seeder Class00:20:34
59. Insert Data Using Tinker00:07:33
60. Create First factory Class00:18:19
61. Create Email Mailgun00:08:48
62. Sending First Test Email00:16:20
63. Sending Mail With Markdown00:14:20
64. Email Verification00:05:15
65. Forgot Password00:04:19
66. Introduction Events and Listeners00:09:51
67. Using Laravel Built-in events00:22:00
68. Create Custom Events And Listeners00:31:20
69. Instruction Notifications With Database00:16:12
70. Create First Notification00:20:14
71. Show Unread Notifications00:12:58
72. Read At One Notification00:10:44
73. Mark all as read Notifications00:11:59
74. Create First Trait00:27:11
75. Create Helpers functions00:28:15
76. Introduction Queue In Laravel00:07:50
77. Create First Job And Updata Data With Queue00:31:02
78. Send Mails With Queue00:20:37
79. Introduction To File Storage System In Laravel00:16:49
80. Upload Image In Folder00:23:51
81. Upload Image In Folder And Insert In Database00:08:14
82. Show Images In Blade00:14:33
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