تعلم أساسيات كوتلن Kotlin
تعلم أساسيات برمجة تطبيقات الجوال بلغة كوتلن Kotlin
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73 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
تعلم أساسيات برمجة تطبيقات الجوال بلغة كوتلن Kotlin
محتوى الدورة
1. Welcome to Kotlin00:01:23
2. How kotlin code executed?00:02:49
3. kotlin starting point00:06:22
4. Variables in kotlin00:22:39
5. Null Safety in kotlin00:06:56
6. String manipulation in kotlin00:07:11
7. Conditional if in kotlin00:08:47
8. Ranges in kotlin00:09:52
9. when statement in kotlin00:10:09
10. list in kotlin00:06:26
11. for loop00:07:45
12. while in kotlin00:01:23
13. breaking loops in kotlin00:03:52
14. lets do it00:02:16
15. Function in kotlin00:03:00
16. return value in kotlin00:06:12
17. Compact function in kotlin00:02:17
18. function arguments in kotlin00:12:29
19. Mastring functions in kotlin00:11:55
20. function overloading in kotlin00:03:11
21. Comments in kotlin00:10:20
22. Named args in kotlin00:07:35
23. funcion with list in kotlin00:08:35
24. kotlin lambdas00:08:31
25. Higher order function in kotlin00:16:41
26. intro to OOP00:04:59
27. class in kotlin00:09:05
28. constructor in kotlin00:08:08
29. many constructors implementation in kotlin00:08:03
30. named arguemnets and default value in kotlin constructor00:04:05
31. Access Modifiers and Setter & Getter in kotlin00:09:53
32. kotlin companion object00:03:14
33. Singleton in Kotlin00:04:13
34. Inheritance in Kotlin00:07:20
35. Pass data to super constructor in Kotlin00:06:20
36. Multi level inheritance in kotlin00:05:44
37. Extension function in Kotlin00:07:10
38. override function in kotlin00:06:31
39. abstract class in kotlin00:06:33
40. the beutiful of polymorphisim00:05:09
41. Protected access modifires in kotlin00:02:49
42. Type casting in Kotlin00:06:26
43. Interfaces in kotlin00:06:50
44. Anonymous object in Kotlin00:03:12
45. data class00:05:06
46. Enum in Kotlin00:03:01
47. Sealed class in kotlin00:08:32
48. Nested Class in kotlin00:04:26
49. Use Java classes in Kotlin code00:03:53
50. SAM in Kotlin00:06:44
51. Generic programming in kotlin00:06:13
52. More about Generic function00:06:57
53. multi type in generic function kotlin00:02:50
54. Generic class in kotlin00:05:47
55. Bound Generic in kotlin00:04:09
56. compare bounded generic with polymorphisim00:06:29
57. Generic out keyword in kotlin00:05:39
58. Generic in keyword in kotlin00:02:49
59. Kotlin docs00:05:54
60. Apply Kotlin scope function00:04:32
61. Let Kotlin scope function00:05:11
62. With, Also Kotlin scope functions00:04:13
63. run Kotlin scope function00:02:57
64. takeIf takeUnless kotlin00:07:39
65. lateinit and lazy init in kotlin00:12:09
66. Collections in kotlin00:08:21
67. more about kotlin collections00:04:27
68. traverse collection in kotlin00:08:37
69. non homogeneous and multi dim collections00:04:16
70. build a higher order function to filter kotlin list00:13:32
71. filtering list in kotlin00:06:06
72. list transformation in kotlin00:04:55
73. Mastering kotlin collections00:16:49
74. Error Handling in kotlin00:08:10
75. kotlin fundamentals (end of the journey)00:00:45
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