تعلم أساسيات البرمجة بلغة Java
دورة جافا للمبتدئين تبدأ من الصفر إلى الاحتراف وهي مقسمة إلى أربعة مستويات وفي (المستوى الأول) من الدورة نشرح أساسيات اللغة وتعريف المفاهيم البرمجية
5.0(1 تقييم)
61 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
دورة جافا للمبتدئين تبدأ من الصفر إلى الاحتراف وهي مقسمة إلى أربعة مستويات وفي (المستوى الأول) من الدورة نشرح أساسيات اللغة وتعريف المفاهيم البرمجية
محتوى الدورة
1- Introduction00:10:38
2 - Install Netbeans And Jdk 00:10:00
3 - First Program And Netbeans Details00:17:30
4 - Java Output by System and JOptionPane 00:12:31
5 - Java Variables Part 100:15:45
6 - Java Variables Part 200:09:14
7 - mathematical calculations00:14:04
8 - Java Input by Scanner 00:11:43
9 - Java Input by JOptionPane 00:10:27
10 - Very Important Revision ch 100:19:59
11 - Compare Operator00:07:34
12 - Introduction to If And else00:12:00
13 - if and else if00:11:59
14 - Different between if and else if00:06:14
15 - Nested If 00:14:02
16 - logic Operator 00:16:57
17 - Switch00:12:19
18 - Loop and while and do while Part 100:15:54
19 - Loop and while and do while Part 200:12:42
20 - Loop and for loop 00:20:14
21 - Nested For 00:14:54
22 - Nested For and Shapes Part 1 00:35:53
23 - Nested For and Shapes Part 2, Continue and Break 00:16:00
24 - Introduction To Method00:10:08
25 - Void Method00:10:45
26 - Return Data Type Method and Parameter00:06:50
27 - Method , Loop and Condition Program Part 100:14:53
28 - Method , Loop and Condition Program Part 200:14:31
29 - Method , Loop and Condition Program Part 300:09:01
30 - Recursive Method00:17:50
31 - Dynamic Method00:08:48
32 - Introduction to Array and One Dimensions Array 00:08:52
33 - Array and loop for calculator Sum and Average 00:15:00
34 - Array and foreach00:12:08
35 - Sorted Array and max , min number00:14:51
36 - Array and Method 00:10:01
37 - Two Dimensions Array 00:14:01
38 - Two Dimensions Array and Method00:09:01
39 - Finish Two Dimensions Array00:13:49
40 - Introduction to String 00:12:08
41 - Strings and its Functions Part 1 00:09:38
42 - Strings and its Functions Part 200:14:03
43 - Finish String and Level 200:13:01