تعلم تطوير المواقع باستخدام إطار عمل Django
دورة تعلم تطوير المواقع بلغة بايثون Python باستخدام إطار عمل ديجانجو Django للمبتدئين
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36 طالب ملتحق
عن الدورة
دورة تعلم تطوير المواقع بلغة بايثون Python باستخدام إطار عمل ديجانجو Django للمبتدئين
محتوى الدورة
1- Introduction To Django part 100:05:38
2- Introduction To Django part 200:21:39
3- Python and Pycharm00:20:01
4- DB browser for SQLite300:13:01
5- Introduction To Django00:18:01
6- Install Django 2 00:31:01
7- run server in django and the difference between front end and back end00:17:59
8- front end and introduction to html 00:20:01
9 - html part 1 head00:13:04
10 - html part 2 P , Header and Text 00:15:02
11 - html part 3 Img ,a and Comment00:14:57
12 - html part 4 Table00:17:01
13 - html part 5 List00:10:01
14 - html part 6 Form part 100:21:01
15 - html part 7 Form part 200:20:01
16 - html part 8 Form part 300:30:01
17 - Introduction To Css And Install Brackets00:15:01
18 - Css part 100:30:02
19 - Css part 200:15:01
20 - Css part 3 00:17:42
21 - Css part 4 00:17:45
22 - Css part 5 00:07:18
23 - Css part 6 00:16:01
24 - Css part 7 00:13:10
25 - Css part 8 00:17:34
26 - Summary for python00:19:02
27 - revision for install Django with two method00:37:02
28 - wsgi - urls - settings - __init__00:25:01
29 - MVT - Apps00:27:56
30 - Admin - debug-security - sqlite and migrate00:20:02
31 - Django Tutorials( Templates , Views and Urls 00:20:01
32 - Routing- HttpResponse - urls 00:28:41
33 - Python and Html 00:30:01
34 - Static Files00:24:07
35 - Block , Extends , Include and Templates00:27:02
36 - Bootstrap and Django Part 1 00:30:02
37 - Bootstrap and Django Part 2 00:26:01
38 - Bootstrap and Django Part 3 00:27:01
39 - Bootstrap00:30:01
40 - Django and MySQL Database00:30:01
41 - Models and CRUD Part 1 00:29:59
42 - Models and CRUD Part 2 00:20:03
43 - Models and CRUD Part 3 00:25:01
44 - Models and CRUD Part 4 Update data in MySQL00:25:01
45 - Models and CRUD Part 5 Delete data From MySQL00:19:02
46 - Models and CRUD Part 6 show data From MySQL00:28:01
47 - Full Application For Models and CRUD Part 100:24:12
48 - Full Application For Models and CRUD Part 200:04:43
49 - Query Set Part 1 Very Important Topic00:26:01
50 - Query Set Part 2 Very Important Topic00:26:57
51 - Query Set Part 3 Very Important Topic00:24:37
52 - Advanced Information and Urls 00:28:03
53 - Revision for Django and Add database table to Admin00:27:32
54 - Create form by Django00:29:34
55 - Very Important Notes for form by Django00:25:01
56 - authentication system Part 1 || Registration Form00:31:10
57 - authentication system Part 2 || Login and Logout00:33:21
58 - authentication system Part 3 || Very Important for Logout00:13:01
59 - Foreign Key and connect between two tables00:32:43
60 - Fetch and Show Data From two tables In MySQL00:17:55
61 - Upload Image or File to database MySQL 00:22:01
62 - Finish Course and Next Step00:21:01
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